60-05; out of the books

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"Ah yeah he's here. TÕ- I mean, OIKAWAA!" you called out still confused about who stood before you and why here or now and a baby?!

"Yes?" the woman asked, preventing that you succumbed in panick. "I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself properly. I'm Tõru's sister and this little one here is Takeru, my son!"

The little boy looked at you with big googly eyes and you stared into his until male Oikawa came towards you.

"Whua- Sis what are you doing here? Ooohhh you brought Takeru!" he ran up to his family and immediately played with his nephew.

"Ah I'm sorry, please come in!" you gestured for them to walk ahead and you closed the door after they went through.

You all walked into the living room, sitting onto the couch. Iwaizumi soon joined you with tea.

"Hajime-kun is here as well! Oh, not like I'm surprised. Thank you very much." she beamed as he placed down a filled cup.

"How old is he?" you still looked at him, who was now sitting next to his mom, holding tight onto her clothes.

"I'm- this old!" he held out his hand showing 2 fingers.

'So cute...' judging from his height you thought he was way younger, his mother was able to hold him easily in her arms.

"Whhooaahh you're already 2 years old? Then what do you want to drink?" you tried interacting with him more but he only stared.

"Any juice is fine." his mother replied and Oikawa already stood up to get it.

Takeru kept eying you, it made you kind of nervous. You didn't have that much experience with children, you still were one yourself more or less.

"Do you want to hold him?" Oikawa said coming back with a glass of orange juice, putting it down before him.

"Is that really okay? Won't he be scared?" but his sister already picked him up and sat him on your lap.

"Just make sure he doesn't fall. That's it." you held onto him and she smiled.

You couldn't make out Takeru's expression at all, he just kept staring at you.

"Pwetty!" he suddenly spoke pointing his small finger on your nose.

"Mmh? What did he say?" you couldn't quite understand since it sounded a little muffled and unclear.

"He called you pretty, of course I agree, but she's mine, you can't have her..." Oikawa told him calmly, taking him from your lap and sitting him on his own.

"And this, Takeru, is called jealousy." his mother pointed at Oikawa, who only pouted, saying he can't possibly be jealous of a two year old.

"By the way, you're not from here, right? Why did you come to Miyagi?" Oikawa's sister asked.

"Ah, I've always wanted to come here for as long as I can remember!"

"Something must have triggered this wish though, don't you think?"

At her words you started to think over it, but you couldn't really make out anything in particular. The sister brushed it off, saying it couldn't be helped then. Slowly your gaze shifted to Takeru who was playing with Oikawa's hands.

"Takkun.. Sounds cute, doesn't it? Takkun and Tõ-chan."

Suddenly there was a clattering sound followed by coughs. Iwaizumi choked on his tea and almost dropped the cup. The female Oikawa had a wide grin while the other was incredibly pale.

"Did I say something wrong?" you nervously asked not sure what this all was about.

"Honey, don't you think it's odd that your parents allowed you to live alone for half a year at your age? Or that they thought over it only because Hajime-kun asked them?"

Of course it stroke you as odd, but you just brushed it off as lucky. Since no reply came from you, his sister continued talking.

"Our families are friends for years, but it's been a while since we last met and you were about Takeru's age so I guess you can't remember. Even Tõru's memories seem to be hazy."

"It's not like I forgot, I just didn't recognise her... though the other day I did assume that she was the girl from back then..." the setter mumbled but it wasn't audible for you. Your mind was completely blank, those things don't happen in real life after all.

It simply sounds like something out of a shoujo manga.

Things will get busy again, it's still a mystery to me why I rarely updated while I had so much free time... will manage somehow!

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