60-01; not quite yet

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"I won't let you go! You belong here with me!" when Oikawa had brought you home on his birthday he yelled loudly, you could tell that the neighbours got curious.

But not only the neighbours, also your own family checked through the window where the ruckus came from. Upon seeing you, your mother opened the door, inviting you both in.

Oikawa was ready to beg them not to move back. He was determined to find a way for you to stay with him.

When you went into the kitchen, at the dining table sat the Oikawa and Iwaizumi family.

"Sweetheart..." your mom was the first one to speak. "We know how much you love it here. You found great friends and you look so happy every day, so we- ..."

She paused and hoped for someone else to continue. Her voice became a little shaky so Iwaizumis mother finished what she had to say.

"Your parents thought that maybe you could stay here a little longer until spring."

You couldn't comprehend her words immediately, only when Oikawa pulled you into a hug you realised the meaning of those words.

"Your parents have to leave but they'll come and get you when it's time."

"Also you can come over anytime you want. Whether it's for dinner, to play or in case you're lonely. You're welcome anytime." Now Oikawas dad was talking and the Iwaizumis nodded agreeing.

Oikawa had let you go by now and you were so touched, you almost cried.

"For real? Is it really fine?" you stared at your parents who simply nodded. "But, how come?"

"Well I thought, why not just ask." Iwaizumi stated bluntly.

*sob* "Iwa-chaaaaaaan" Oikawa made a leap towards his friend who endured the hug.

Somehow you still had a little trouble believing what was going on. Unlike the face of the brunette yours was still dry, Iwaizumi already tried pushing him away because his shirt got wet from his tears.

"But Iwa-chan, I'm just so happy!"

"I get that, I get that, but-" another weight slumped onto him.

"Thank you, Iwa-chan..." you wrapped your arms around both males.

"Stop it you both, it's fine already!!! Geez..." but since it was no use he surrendered.


Together with Iwaizumi and Oikawa you sat in your room. Your mom had made your favorite food and Oikawas mom brought a cake. On the TV played a random DVD but neither of you really paid any attention to it.

"There's less here than my visit last time." Oikawa said as he stood in front of the shelf, occasionally taking a bite from the piece of cake in his hand.

"I had already packed a bit but stopped midway because it made me sad."

"Aaaahhhh sorry!" he screeched after dropping the cake on the floor.

"Leave it, I'll clean it up." you stood up to go and get something.

"That's why you eat at a table, Trashykawa." Iwaizumi remarked eating a piece of cake as well, he had quite a lot smeared on his face though.

"Bwuhahahaha, Joõ-chan get a towel for Iwa-chan too!" he laughed holding his stomach while the other male blushed.

Shortly after, you came back to the room, where Oikawa was still making fun of Iwaizumi.

"Here!" you pressed a wet towel in the brunette's hand. "While I clean up your mess you can clean Iwa-chan."

"Eehhh but I don't want to..."

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now