28; so sly

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"Say Oikawa, why weren't you at practise?" trying to change the topic you were still caught in his embrace.

"Ugh... Coach said I should rest at times. That's it." he groaned and you thought that was it but he continued to complain.

"And who of all people did he say would be the setter for practise?! Tobio-chan... of all people..."

"Mmh? He's nice though, he's my classmate! He even helped me today."

"Don't go near that kid again!"

"What are you saying, he's your teammate isn't he?"

"Just- don't..."

Puzzled you hugged him back since his grip got tighter again, which didn't go unnoticed by the other male.

"Get a room you two..."

"I'm not hugging her, I'm merely restraining her."

"It's fine though, if it's just a hug.. And he has someone else anyway."

He suddenly pushed you away by the shoulders, eyes open wide.

"What are you talking about?"

"Huh, well that girl that you were with today? We were talking about this earlier!"

"Eh ehm, yeah I know but it's not like she's someone to me, so to speak."


He groaned again at your comment, while Iwaizumi left the room though you both didn't notice.

"...I asked her out and .....she declined."

"So she rejected you."

"...you had to repeat it again..."

"I'm just kind of surprised. I didn't think you would get rejected by someone."

"Mmh~? Why is that, do you think I'm handsome?"

"Of course you are, as if I'm the first person telling you."

"Hehe~ that actually makes me a bit happy."

The door opened and revealed Iwa-chan holding a paper box.

"My mom brought cake."

"I love your mom."
"Me too!"

After you were all done eating, Oikawa stood up to grab his things.

"Thanks for the food, but I should be going then."

"Take her with you."

"Eehh you throw me out? Iwa-chan how mean!"

"I still have something to do, next time you can stay longer if you want."

"Well, if it's like this then it can't be helped. Let's go Trashykawa."

He seemed to already be accustomed to his nickname since he followed without a whine.

As you waved your friend goodbye until he was out of sight, Oikawa started talking.

"We kissed."

You almost choked on your own saliva.

"We kissed." he repeated.

"I heard you the first time."

"So you don't want to talk about it?!"

"More like, what's there to talk about?"

"I thought maybe you wanted to know why."

For a while it was silent. Did you really want to know? What if you did? You carefully glanced at his face, only to meet his stare and to notice that he was actually blushing.

Quickly you looked away again. Seeing him embarrassed made you nervous too.

"That girl, you will try and ask her out again, right?"

"When you changed the topic earlier I was grateful but don't think I don't notice it."

"I just don't get it at all."

"That makes two of us."

He nudges your side so you'd look at him.

"Let's do something on Sunday. As friends, alright?"


"Now that didn't sound happy. Are you sure you don't want a date instead?"

"Stupid! I didn't say that! Well, until tomorrow then."

He hadn't noticed until now that you reached your house.

"Yes, until tomorrow. Good night~!"



As you opened the front door you saw the brunette ready to go to school.

Though a few strands of hair were just a little astray. You walked up to him and ruffled through his hair.

"Good morning~"


"They were already all over the place anyways."

The frustrating part was that he still looked so very adorable.

Now he ruffled through your hair as well until he had gasped and you knocked his hands away.

"Sorry..." he tried combing your hair with his fingers.

"I accidentally made you even cuter."

Pushing him away embarrassed you started walking ahead fast paced, though he had no trouble catching up and just smiled at your flustered reaction.

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now