32; wavering

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By now more people gathered and they were watching the both of you.

You brushed it aside since it's probably only a popularity thing or whatever.

"So, what about Sunday? Any ideas what we could do?"
You asked since the meeting still didn't start and you were curious.

'Now don't tell her that you've been stressing about nothing else ever since but just can't decide on anything.' he averts his gaze before speaking out loud.

"Actually I don't know yet, I haven't thought about it much."

"Then how about - ......" your mind races through the endless list of things that you want to do.

"Honestly, I can only come up with things that I want to do together with Iwa-chan, but nothing that I'd wanna do with you."


"I said together! Like, the three of us, you know!"

His expression softened, looking a bit sad.
"You actually like him a lot, huh?"

"Yes, very much so. You know, when I was small I once befriended a boy called Iwaizumi. He said his friend calls him Iwa-chan, so I did too. But I highly doubt they are the same person.
Still back then we had a lot of fun and I think that's why I was immediately fond of this Iwa-chan too."

"There's only one Iwa-chan!"

"As if you would know."

"Yeah because I gave him that name, and my nicknames are special!"

"Still, he never was in my home country and that makes it impossible. There are two Iwa-chan's, accept it."

Meanwhile in the gym, Iwaizumi sneezed five times in a row.

Back in the classroom the meeting started.

First matter being discussed was which activities will be held. It came down to the following:

• hurdle race
• obstacle race
• capture the pole
• tug-of-war
• cheering contest
• relay race
• cavalry battle
• scavenger hunt
• bread snatching race
• soccer
• three legged race

You leaned silently over to Oikawa and poked his side with a pen, making him slightly jolt.

"What's that bread race?"

"Packages of bread dangle high over the tracks and you're supposed to catch it with your mouth before running to the goal."


"You're lucky, it's for girls only."

"...You would have liked to participate?"

He only nodded dejected.

"The sports festival back home was really different. Like, this one sounds like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it!"

You smiled at him trying to cheer him up and he actually smiled back.

After the committee was dismissed you headed straight for the gym, dragging a whiny Oikawa with you.

"Where are you going, let's head home."

"But maybe Iwa-chan is still there then we could go together... See, there's still light!"

As you got closer to the gym you wondered if it was always that quiet during practice.

Walking past the windows you decided to take a peek.

At the sight you gasped and almost stumbled backwards, making the male curious of what you saw.

As he put his head to yours he reacted in the same matter.

Iwaizumi really did stay longer though it wasn't volleyball that he was occupied with.

In his arms and on his lips was Miura, who was blushing heavily.

Overly excited you kept tugging Oikawa's sleeve, which made it harder for him to take a picture.

As the pair in the gym pulled away from each other, the male's eyes met both of yours.

"Let's run!" Oikawa grabbed your hand, pulling you away.

In the distance you could hear Iwaizumi curse after you, making you both laugh in the process.

Oikawa was a fast runner, which wasn't a surprise but you had a hard time keeping up with him.

Your legs felt tired, when was he going to stop? Facing his back you called out to him.




Crying out to him, you didn't notice the uneven ground, stumbling but because of his grip you luckily didn't fall.

But you remembered, there once was a time when something similar happened. Though back then you fell, head on the floor.

"I'm sorry, are you fine?" his voice cut through before you could recall why that was an important memory.

"Ah yes, you stopped the fall after all, thanks..."

You expected that he would let go of your hand any second.

But he didn't.

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now