46; expressing your feelings

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By now it became dark and you sat outside on the porch. The room was really warm, so you wanted to cool your head.

"Looking at the summer triangle again?"

Oikawa joined you, taking a seat next to you.

"Not really, I just wanted to get some fresh air."

"Same here..." he eyed you carefully, seeming to remember what happened the other day.

"Are you feeling better now?" you asked.

"Yes thanks to you. I'm sorry that I just came suddenly like that."

"No it's fine, I'm glad I could be of help."

"Though you fell asleep on me and I had to carry you onto your bed."

"Ugh, I'm sorry, and thank you... crying always makes me tired."

"But I'm the one who cried!"

"Still..." now both of you were giggling though it didn't last for long.

"I still have to say sorry too... I didn't notice until someone pointed it out, but with confessing to you and then going out with someone else- despite not having feelings for me, I still hurt you, didn't I? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"What are you even saying, it's as if you're saying you shouldn't have gone out with her and that's a mean thing to say. Besides, you don't have to worry about me. I don't get hurt that easily!" you said smiling to ease him.

"... I can tell that you're lying. You rarely ever smile at me, so I can't help thinking it's a lie!"

You gulped and before you could argue he continued.

"But also... After you left at the match, I got in a fight with Tobio-chan. He said that I'm consequently hurting you, without even noticing."

'That little ......'

"Don't you dare go out with him!"

"I'm not really-"

"Even if he's better than me."

You stared at him, having difficulties to follow. Did he feel inferior to Kageyama?

"Because of that fight..." only now you noticed a scratch on his neck. They were fighting for real?! "...I also had an argument with Akuzawa. She thinks I still have feelings for you."

"So that's why she left early?"

He nodded. "Honestly I don't know and I'm trying not to think about it but I do know that I actually like her, or so I think. I don't know why I couldn't tell her."

"...You know, I have this odd theory about human emotions. No one can tell for certain what's going on inside of you. They can only assume but as long as you don't admit it - even to yourself, it will never become the truth.
So my theory is, if it can't become true, it's like it doesn't exist in the first place since you're denying the existence.
Only if you shape it with words, that's the second it will be born into this world, so to speak."

"You think I should tell her?"

"Of course, stupid. What use does it have telling me?"


"Alright everyone..." the teacher grabbed the chalk and wrote love letter on the board.

'I hate this class.'

"I want you all to write a letter about the person you love. Don't worry, I won't read it out aloud. Instead we'll do a time capsule and at graduation you'll get it back. Then you can decide what to do with it."

"But sensei, I don't see the use in doing that. Until we get the letter back we probably already have confessed by then."

"It's supposed to be an exercise for you to express your emotions. You should be honest with yourself from time to time. So feel free and begin."

'A love letter, huh...'

Looking around the class room everyone started writing already, even Kageyama did!

Though knowing him it was probably about volleyball.

Volleyball, huh?

As you lower the pen on the paper you just let it roam freely, writing whatever came to mind.

Completely absorbed you didn't notice how the teacher collected the letters, halting in front of your desk calling out to you.

"Huh? Ah just a sec please, I'm almost done."

"Oh could it be you want to read it out aloud?" the teacher only wanted to tease you but the whole class joined in making you flush completely.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no!"

"Be brave, Queen!"
"Express it!"
"Who is she in love with anyway?"

'I really, REALLY hate this class!'

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now