17; >reset game

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"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?"

"I rejected her..."

You both stared at him blankly.

"Why are you both looking at me like that? ! I rarely know her, also she caused quite a lot of trouble."

He turned to you angrily.
"You of all people shouldn't give me that look! Who refuses to go out with anyone all the time?!"

"What do you mean what kind of look?"

"The look as if I won't get another chance to get a girlfriend."

"I didn't meant it like that! I'll support you either way, I just thought you might, well ... get along?"

"I'm not into troublemaker. After all I've got two already."

"...Iwa-chan is stupid ..." you said pouting.

Oikawa expected some kind of violent act from the other but he just looked like he does all the time.

Then the setter looked back at you, to see that you stood up to leave.

"Mh? Where are you going?"

But you ignored him and jogged off, making him whine why you act so cold towards him, though you were out of reach already.

"HEY, hey"

A familiar voice called out making you stop in your tracks.

Black hair and wet eyes crept out from behind a tree, scaring you almost to death.

Needless to say that it was Miura, looking at you with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry... I caused you a lot of trouble.. I just wanted to tell you that."

"...Nevermind, the rumours are mostly to blame. Just now I wanted to get you, do you want to eat lunch with me and the others?"

She looked at you skeptical.
"I'm sure Iwaizumi-senpai doesn't want to see me."

"You will never know if you give up here. He said he wouldn't go out because he barely knew you, so if you become friends ..."

"He said he couldn't go out with someone who hurt his friends, no matter the reasons."

That does somewhat sound like him...
"All the more reason to start becoming friends then!"

"I think he likes you."

For a second there was a dramatic pause. Until you responded.

"Of course he likes me, we're friends after all!"

"Not that kind of like-"

"He only likes me like a little sister, you know?!"

"Then what about you?"

"I don't have anyone I like."

"I heard that you would deny being in love with someone ..."

So that day someone WAS eavesdropping...
"Well, I swear to my life that in case of Iwa-chan I don't feel any kind of romantic feelings towards him!"

"You said in case of Iwaizumi-senpai just now-"

"If we don't go now lunch break will be over and you won't be able to see him!"

You turned heading back, and Miura rushed to follow.


You came to Japan last summer and back then everything was still fine.

You got along with everyone and even had a best friend, Chichibu.

Then just a week before graduation her boyfriend Yoshida confessed to you.

You rejected him, but he claimed that you played him all this time and that you were the one who destroyed his relationship with Chichibu.

They indeed broke up afterwards but the girl didn't say a word to you anymore either.

If it would have stayed like this, you could have moved on, possibly.

But instead rumours about the break up spread and it was your name that was included.

They said you confessed to him, which was the reason for the couple to separate. Of course you tried to explain but who would want to listen.

As soon as the new year started, Chichibu gathered almost all the girls together for her revenge, seizing every opportunity they got.

Because of the high numbers they gave each other testimony, so no teacher was able to punish anyone.

"She totally deserves all this. Selfishly trying to steal a man... just like the Snow Queen."

And just like that, a lame nickname was given.
Most people only said queen though since it was too long otherwise.

Even if "Queen" is somewhat flattering, it's just another reminder of your loss.

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now