04; stared too long

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After your fight with oikawa nothing much happened. It's already been 2 days since then and you were wondering what he was scheming.

You thought that maybe that was his plan, doing nothing until you went nuts and begged him for forgiveness.

Or maybe he wanted you to think that, so you'd feel safe and he would wait for that moment to scare you out of your mind!

You already asked Iwa-chan for advice and recalling his words did put you at ease.
"Don't stress it too much, nothing bad will happen. And if he were to hurt you, I'll hurt him." , he told you without a worry.

And you knew it too. Even though he's an idiot, he's not someone that would do seriously bad things.

You feel stupid for figurativily drawing horns on his head.

Instead of thinking how his revenge will turn out, reflecting on your own words was currently more important.

Still engrossed in how to apologize properly (without making it worse), you find yourself at the school gate.

You always come extra early so that you're parents won't worry. If you're so eager about going to school as early as possible than you must be doing well; is what you hoped they'd think.

At this time of the day the school was void, except for a handful students and teachers. Or so you guessed at least, you didn't encounter a single person on your way to your classroom.

Common people would feel lonely, yet for you it was very comfortable. The light that shone through the glass washed through the hallway, making it feel completely new; just as if you're the first person walking down this course.
You don't know why you felt that way, but it gave you a sense of security.

Arriving at your classroom and sliding the door open, you faintly said "Good morning". Just as you expected, but you were the first one to show up.

You shut the door behind you and moved to your seat right next to a window. Before sitting down you looked outside and stared off into the distance for just a little while until you let in some fresh air. The curtains whirled around you, which felt like a careful embrace but it let loose fast. The wind vanished after just a few seconds and you closed the window slowly again.

This all may seem trivial, totally irrelevant, but you felt cozy and for the first time it was like you belonged here. Or at least there was no one to give you an unwelcoming feeling.

It was still almost an hour before the first other students arrived, so you decided to rest your head on your arms to doze off for a little while.

However; you letting your guard down didn't go unnoticed. A certain brunette saw you looking out of the window. He dashed to the room where he saw you and took a careful peek.

As soon as you closed your eyes he silently slid through the door and crept towards you. This was his perfect chance to- well, he didn't know yet.

The setter didn't think that such a magnificient opportunity would come so soon, the possibilities were endless and he was not able to decide!

Then it hit him, he should make a picture of her sleeping face! She will be emberassed to the bone and he could pressure her with that to break up with Iwa-chan! (Oh he's too innocent...)
He took out his phone, opened the camera app and...


Oikawa flinched as quitly as possible, and luckily she didn't wake up. He looked at the screen just to be unsatisfied with the result.
You were just waayy too cute!

this time he made sure to turn off the flash.



No good.
He cursed your adorable face.
And another shot.


He had to somehow find an inphotogenic angle. Moving closer to your face he shifted around slightly nervous. He came to a halt to think of other ways to get back at you.

Staring for a while he then chose to stop after all. His anger seemed to vanish the longer his gaze was upon you.

"... you're way too lucky, my poor little helpless lamb." he said softly.

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now