Rejection back fired

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Issac pov....

I was sitting in my seat in first period when all of a sudden I smelt something delicious. It smelt like strawberry and vanilla which made my mouth water. I looked at the door and saw my so called mate standing there looking at me. I stared back at her while my wolf was howling for me to go to her.

"MATE GO TO HERRRR NOW"  he yelled at me.

"Shut the fuck up" I said back to him and I got a growl in return. I watch her sit down and I kept staring. She is so beautiful and I could tell there was something about her that was off. I knew she told jasmine about me because they kept looking over causing me to smirk plus jasmine was so dang loud.

After first period she ran out and I didn't see her for the rest of the day.  I followed her scent home after school and knocked on her door.  She came to the door surprise to see me.

"Hello alpha issac" she bowed her head in respect.

"Hello channel" I bowed also.

"Come in" she moved out the way and I walked in. Her heart was beating fast I could hear it. "Calm down" I said " I can hear your heart from here". She giggles nervously and I was kind of tired of this awkwardness.

"Alright time for the ice breaker I, issac Johnston reject you, channel walker, as my mate"

She looked hurt but quickly was mad. "I channel walker accept your rejection Isaac Johnston" she replied which caught me by surprised. I wasn't able to accept the fact she didn't start crying or run away or anything. She honestly just, I don't know, she just accepted it with no problem basically.

Her eyes turned black and had flames in them which wasn't normal for a wolf. Our eyes are usual black when we are mad but her eyes were different. It scared me a little and I saw fangs come out her mouth and she was hissing at me like a vampire but growling at me like a wolf. I was so confused yet amused. Then I heard growling behind me, I turned around and was being stared down by twins. Wait, do they all look alike? I knew there was a pair of twins but triplets?

I was about to say something but there dad came in the door. "ENOUGH" he boomed in alpha voice and they all stopped except channel. "Channel I said enough" he repeated but her attention was stuck on me. After what seemed like an hour she stopped growling and came in alpha Luke walker.

"What's going on. Why is that??" I questioned.

"She is a hybrid but may I ask what are you doing here." He asked sounding so calm.

"I just rejected her that's all but how did you give birth to an hybrid." Yeah I know no emotion, my curiosity was somewhere else.

"YOU DID WHAT" he yelled

"I rejected her I don't want or need a mate but she is coming with me" I said coldly.

"No she not" one of the twins said.

"Why not she is mine"

"She not yours you rejected her" the other twin said.

I rolled my eyes turning my attention back at Mr.Walker. "How did you give birth to a hybrid? I thought everyone in this pack was a wolf. Is her mother a" I pause before continuing "a blood sucker as well?"

"No she isn't, how channel came to be is none of your concern. Now I'm only going to ask you one, leave"

"Channel would you come with me back to my pack" I asked her.

She hissed at me and got in my face. "Not going anywhere with you you pathetic worthless ex mate".

It kind of scared me and hurt my feelings, but I didn't showed any fear and smiled while walking out. I nodded before bowing my head slightly. "Alright have it your way" and with that I walk out the door.

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