Trying to do right

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Isaac's pov...

I have done a lot of damage. I really have and I wanted my mate with me. I want a mate I want my channel. I put on a tuxedo and went to the flower store and bought a bunch roses. I even bought a new smelling cologne and sprayed it. I got in my black and red Bugatti and drive to channels house.

I knocked on the door and patiently waited at the door holding the flowers to my chest

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I knocked on the door and patiently waited at the door holding the flowers to my chest. I could smell her gorgeous scent as she came to the door. She opened it with a big smile but her smile faded away once she saw me and closed the door in my face but I stopped it with my hand.

"Hear me out...please" my voice cracked when I said please but she slowly opened the door back up.

"I came her to apologize and make things right. I'm dearly sorry I killed your brother and I'm truly sorry for hurting you. The one person I need most in my life." I handed her the flowers and she took them from me and inhaled the scent from the roses. I got on one knee like I was going to propose and grabbed her hand.

She kind of flinched when I reached for her hand which made me whimper but I held her hand and looked up and smiled. "Channel will you please forgive me and go one a date with me."

I can tell she was talking to her wolf about it and I sat there patiently waiting for her answer. She nodded and I got back up and hugged her. I felt shocks go through me and my wolf howled with joy.

She told me to come in while she got dressed and I did stood there in the living room admiring how beautiful there new pack house was. Everything in place and looked so brand new. Not a speck of dust anywhere to be seen. I heard a growl behind me and I turned around to find Kaylin with a face full of disgust.

"What are you doing here. Get out. NOW." He yelled at me.

"I know you don't like me but you still have no right to yell at me. IM AN ALPHA." I boomed in my alpha tone and he looked away and growled.

"Sorry" he replied sarcastically and I apologized back. He looked surprise when I apologized but didn't say anything.

"I'm taking channel on a date, that's why I'm here. But I also want to apologize for burning your pack house down." He growled at me when I said that but I quickly handed him 3 stacks of cash full of hundred dollar bills. "Take it and make this pack house more beautiful than it already is." And with that he laughed and ran out the pack house.

Channel gave down the stairs looking so dang gorgeous. She had a blue dress but the booby cover was black and it was strapless. She had black heels and she was almost as tall as me. Her hair was put all to one side and was curly. She had golden earrings on switch matching necklace.

 I smiled at her and went up to her grabbing her hands

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I smiled at her and went up to her grabbing her hands. "You look so beautiful." I said to her meaning everything I said.

I opened my car door and when she got in i buckled her seat belt and closed the door. I ran over to the driver side and got in. I started the car and took off down the street.
"Where we going" she asked while looking at me. I looked at her flashing a smile "a surprise" I replied putting my eyes back on the road.

She smiled to my guess I think she loves surprises. I pulled into a most fanciest, richest, expensive restaurant on earth and her mouth dropped. I smirked and parked the car and got out and opened the door for her.

"Here we are my love" I said to her helping her out the car.

"How did you... This place....oh my god." Was all she could say and I chuckled and held her hand.

"Baby did you forget I'm an alpha, I'm rich but it took some time to get this place to give me a spot for two." I guided her in and gave the waitress my name and she took us to our seats.

"What would you two like to drink" the waitress said not taking her eyes off me.

"I would like a sweet tea" I looked over at her.

"A dr. Pepper that's all" channel said.

The waitress wrote it down and she gave me flirtatious eyes and gave me her number. I looked over a channel and her vampire teeth were out and her eyes were blood red and she was hissing at the waitress. The waitress ran but channel used her vampire speed and got in front of her causing the waitress to fall but channel picked her up by her neck.

"Don't you EVER flirt with MY MATE. Or I swear to the moon goddess I will drink you dry and rip your throat out then shift to my wolf and eat your flesh and bones only leaving your hair behind. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" Channel said that all and to be honest it scared me just as much as the waitress was scared and she nodded. Channel let her go and she ran to the kitchen and channel sat back down.

"Calm down baby please." I grabbed her hand and with my thumb I rubbed little circles on her hand. She calmed down and the waitress came back with our drinks but never looked up to us. She took our order and went back to the kitchen.

"Your pretty feisty. I love it." I said and smiled hard when channel blushed. After a while went our food. I ordered steak while she got lasagna. We ate and laughed and talked about anything possible.

We sat there an hour after finishing our food just talking. I felt so bad for harming her. She really is a very kind, loving person.

I didn't leave a tip and I held her hand while we went back to my car and I took her home. She started singing and she sounded like an angel.

"Your voice is amazing, why don't you become a singer."

"I don't want more attention on me than I already do now."

"What you mean, what attention?"

"You know since I'm rare and so being a singing people would watch me more."

"Oh yeah."

I pulled into the her driveway and walked her to the porch. "Goodbye my love" I said while hugging her and kissing her forehead. She blushed and had me in a tight hug. "Bye but one question." "Yes my love" she looked up to me. "D-do y-y-you regret h-hitting me." She stuttered knowing she didn't wanna asked and I got angry at myself. I nodded "yes my love I do I'm so sorry".

I gave her another hug them she walked into her house and I went back to my car and went home. I ran up to my room and plopped down on my bed like them girls in the movie be doing smiling hard. I was happy she forgave me and I laid there smiling until I fell asleep.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now