To much

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Issacs pov

After talking to channel parents she seemed more relaxed and happy. That's good. I loved to see her happy and smiling.

I wonder what her and her bother was talking about but I didn't want to question.

I drove her home and she went to the room and took a nap. I went down to the dungeon and walked down the long dark hallway. While I was walking people coward away in fear or begged to be let out.

I went to a certain cell and unlocked it and leaned against the cell with my arms crossed.

"Can I speak to channel?" Charlie said sitting up.


"She doesn't want to be here, she doesn't fucking love you"

I went over to him and grabbed his throat and pinned him to da wall.

"She loves me. I was her first not you." I tightened my grip around his neck basically choking the living day lights out of him.

I watched as he was scratching at my arm trying to gasp for air. He tried to hit me but missed and I was watching him slowly die. He was kicking and scratching and all I did was smile looking him dead in he eye.

But I needed him for a little bit so I let him go. He dropped to the floor gasping for air holding his neck.

He coughed a couple times and eyes were watery.

"Please....let me go"

"Unmark channel, tell her you don't love her, then leave. I'll leave you alone. I won't go after you. And you won't come back"

He thought about it. Felt like forever before he nodded his head.

I told him where channel was while I went back to my work.

Channel POV

I woke up from my nap because I felt sparks go through my arm.


I looked up and saw Charlie and my eyes lit up. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"I'm sorry"

"For what"

"What I'm about to do and say"

I was confused. I looked at him in confusion.

"Charlie what's going on.?" He shifted a little before sighing and saying "I don't love you".

I laughed a little. "That's funny. How you get in here?"

"Channel I'm not joking. I don't love you. I just wanted a mate. I didn't actually love you. You were a waste of my time. I only felt bad for you so I took you in." He was looking into my eyes.

I was heart broken. I was dropping tears searching in his eyes to see if he was lying. He wasn't lying, he wasn't joking, he wasn't laughing. I looked down nodding.

"Unmark me"

"Channel I..."


He pulled me in and I tilted my head. "Please run after this" and before I could say anything he plunged his teeth in my neck and unmarked me. I howled in pain but Charlie cut of my howl by kissing me.

I was so confused but I kissed him back. Issac busted into the room and growled deeply.  I looked at Issac and his eyes were pitch black filled wit anger.

"Channel RUN." I looked at Charlie and he slightly smiled at me and I ran out the room.

God. Why Charlie? Why.

I ran out the house and shifted to my wolf and ran faster.

Issacs pov

I heard channel howl in pain so I ran up stairs to see her and Charlie kissing. I lost control and my anger was boiling.

Channel looked at me but I kept staring down Charlie.

"Channel. RUN" he yelled and she ran out the room and that's when I lunged at him. I tackled him to da floor and beaten his face in. He was punching back getting me a few good times.

I was throwing him all over the room but he wouldn't give up no matter how hard I punch or throw him. He broke my nose and dislocated my jaw but I popped it back in place.

I shifted to my wolf and pounced on him and bit his head off his shoulders. I mind linked the guards to go after channel and not to let her get far.

I jumped down the stairs and ran out. I followed her scent. She was far but not that far. I pushed myself to go faster. She wasn't leaving me again.

"We got her but she putting up a fight, she killed two guards."

"Amazing" i said sarcastically. My princess is so strong.

I caught up with them after 5 minutes and tackled her to the floor. She threw me off her and I hit a tree. I got up shaking off the pain and I seen her snarl at me. Her wolf took over and I smiled.

She look so fine like this. Mmm my baby is so perfect. I was watching her size me up and got into a fighting stance. She was challenging me. Me!? No no no.

I stood up tall and was growling circling around her. Wait no. I can't. She'll beat my ass. She half vampire for crying out loud.

I stood in front of her and shifted back.

"Channel calm down now, please."

She growled and took a step forward. I saw one of my guards coming behind her with wolf bane. She turned around and was about to attack him but I yelled "I KILLED CHARLIE"

She stop mid jump and used her vampire speed to come after me. I tried to dodge but she clawed my side. I held my side in pain. Shit hurt.

"Killing him felt so amazing to. I bit his head off and the blood on my lips tasted great. He sure did put up a fight" I chuckled and she came after me again. Soon as she tackled me my guard injected the needle in her making her go weak instantly.

She shifted back and took the needle out and crushed it.

She was swaying and tried to focus on me and some of the guards. She swung on anyone that got close so we waited until she fell.

I carried her back to the house and laid her on the couch. The pack doctor came and patched me up. I thanked him and looked at channel. My mate.

I decided to mark her right then and there while she was out. I didn't care anymore. She was finally mine.

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