Its go time

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Issacs pov....

Am I regretting what I'm about to do. Nope. Am I going to hurt people in the process. Most likely so. But no one takes what's mine. I get what I want the easy way or the hard way. Right now the walker family wants it the hard way and trust me they are going to suffer slowly.

I was just ending a meeting with my guards and beta and third in command about the plan for tonight when Abby walked in. She wrapped her arms around my neck as usual and purred my name.

I didn't always enjoy it but I guess for right now I'll just let her do her.

"Hey issac" she cooed while giving me that smile she always did when she saw me. "What do you want Abby" I replied. "Just you. Let's go up to our room." She said while rubbing my chest and 8 pack making her way down to my v-line.

"Get her ugly stank a$s off of us and go find out mate and love her instead" my wolf growled at me and I just blocked him.

I took her upstairs and threw her on the bed and ripped her clothes off while kissing her. I rubber her body up and down while taking my clothes off. No  we never really made it all sweet. Like I said I use her for my manly needs. Soon when my clothes were off I spread her legs and went in causing her to moan.

We proceed for 30 minutes and i kicked her out my room while I laid back down. My body started to hurt and I took a shower to wash all the sweat and smell of perfume off of me. I washed every inch of me from head to toe them dried up and threw on some boxers and basketball shorts.

I waited as the day got darker before I put my action to the test. Around 11:00 I made me, beta, third in command and guards to follow me to the Red Moon pack. I watched as my guards poured gasoline all over their pack house. Beta threw the lighters at the house and the pack house caught on fire. About 30 seconds later people came running out holding their babies, holding things dearest to them and some holding their mates.

I smirked and watched them fled out the house and cry. Lastly I saw the walker family come out coughing their heads off. I made the little team I had with me attack some of the people but not kill them. Just injure them to the point where they was on the line of life and death. Cruel right, I know, it brings tears of happiness in my eyes.

Before my team could do more damage channel went after them. She killed all my guards instantly and went after my beta. Beta ran behind me cowardly and was whimpering. She stopped in front of me growling.

God she was so sexy when she was mad but I'm still going to beat her like there's no tomorrow.

I swung at her but she dodged it and punched me in my stomach that made me go flying. God was she strong. I mean she is a hybrid but I thought I weakened her. Well it is said hybrids heal fast and get stronger and bring so much power into a family and much more.

Yes I do my studies. Don't judge but I quickly got up but once I did she was already in front of me punching me in the face.

I grabbed her leg and tripped her causing her to land hard on her back and I climbed on top of her. Beta and third in command held her down while I punched her as hard as I could making her go unconscious. Her family was to busy to notice anything and I carried well dragged her back to my pack house.

I smiled in my accomplishment and locked her back down in the dungeon. This time I gave her a better bed but with no covers nor pillow. I waited a few hours before going to go check on her. She was slowly waking up holding her neck groaning in pain.

I went to her cell and looked at her. "Welcome to see you again mate." I smiled while unlocking the door and walking in. "You ever leave me again I will do more damage to your pack. Making your family suffer." I was growling trapping her on the wall with my hands beside her head. "Your family will be so devastated they might take there own life". I said harshly.

She nodded and I slapped her and kneed her in the stomach. "You are my pet, my belonging, you belong to me, no one else." I left after saying those words and went to my room.

"You are so evil. She will never forgive us. Why do you treat her so badly."

"Does it seem like I care if she would forgive us or not. No I don't. She needs to know even though I rejected her she is still mine."

"She deserves better than us. Maybe she has a second chance mate. She needs to go to him instead." He said that in a whisper and was whimpering. I growled at her having a second chance mate. I'm her only mate. Her one and only. She is destined to be with me.

After a couple minutes I went to bed having the strangest dream.

I was walking out my pack house when all of the sudden I felt a sharp pain through my stomach. I held it in pain and kept walking. It seemed like I was the only one here but I had a feeling there was more people here.

I kept walking for a good hour and I smelled my mate. I ended running towards her just to find her sitting on the beach kissing some dude.

"I love you my beautiful mate." The guy said to channel. Wait what. Mate!? I ran towards them but I couldn't go any further soon as my feet touched the sand. It was like an invisible wall holding me back.

"I love you to" she said back to him smiling. They stared each other down their eyes full of love and lust and they stared kissing again. I started crying and yelling at them to stop.

It seemed like they couldn't hear me but I kept screaming anyways. He marked her as his fully claiming her. She claimed them back then they finally looked at me.

I tried to say something but no words came out my mouth. "If I suffer you will to" channel said to me and with that she shot me in the chest with a silver bullet.

(Dream over)

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