What is all of this

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Luke's pov....

I woke up the smell of fire and smoke. Once my eyes were open every one was screaming and I saw fire surround me and my mate in our room. I woke her up and picked her up bridal style out the house.

"Stay here and make sure everyone is safe" I said kissing her forehead. She nodded and I went back in and out the house making sure people were escaping. Who would have done this? Why would they do this to us? We didn't have any problems with any pack or rouge. But it hit me, alpha Isaac did this. I growled but kept making sure people were out the house. Me and my sons and my daughter were last out the house coughing our heads off. We watched our pack house burn down and all I heard was crying from our pack.

I howled out in pain followed by Luna then my sons then the whole pack except channel. She was our main howler but when she didn't howl everyone got worried. She was no where to be seen and most of our people were injured badly.

I had pack doctors come treat the injured while me and the guards look for my daughter. I saw someone that wasn't in my pack dead and I realized channel killed him. I smiled at that and I went back to looking for her but her scent suddenly went away. I was worried and scared and started to panic. It suddenly stopped when it lead to the forest. 

I cried my little angel is going through so much. I could barely do anything about it. I wasn't allowed back into their territory but I will try my damn hardest to get my angel back home. I'm tired if this she deserves so much more.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now