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I've been lookin for damn months. MONTHS I SAY!! I have been going crazy. Like I don't know how it happened I've just been going insane.

I looked down at my lap noticing that I was gripping my knees really hard. I was bleeding and I let go. I sighed in relief at how good it felt for me to let go.

"Alpha we didn't find her but we found the number she is using" my beta said.

"Give it to me now. How did you get it?" I jumped up stumbling back a little.

"It's hard to explain but she is using it"

I doubted him but I still took the number. Instead of calling it i actually texted it .

I: hello?
Unknown number: who is this??
I: don't worry about it. Do you know someone named channel???
Unknown number: speaking
I: oh darling how much I missed you
Channel: who is this?? Stop playing
I: I'm coming for you sweetheart
Channel: is this issac???
I: no baby

I couldn't let it be known that it was actually me. I wanted to surprise her. I have her scared and let her come running back to me. My phone started ringing and I saw that channel was calling. I let it ring and smiled.

I can finally sleep. When I wake up I'm going to trace her number. My princess. I will get you back wether you like it or not. Once my head hit that pillow. I was knocked out.



I was sitting outside. I was enjoying the fresh air until I got a text message. I slightly growled but looked. Unknown number. Hmmm weird.

Unknown: hello?
C: who is this??
Unknown: don't worry about it. Do you know someone named channel???
C: speaking
Unknown: oh darling how much I missed you
C: who is this?? Stop playing
Unknown: I'm coming for you sweetheart
C: is this issac???
Unknown: no baby

I called. Maybe I knew this person. It was probably a prank. But who would prank call me other than Charlie. The person didn't pick. I called multiple times but no answer.

Oh well. That's weird. I put my phone back in my pocket and went inside. Charlie came through the front door with groceries. I sat at the booth and watched him put them away.

"Quick question babe"

"Yes babe what's up"

"Did you try to prank text me?"

"No why?"

"Some one did. I thought it was you."

"Let me see the text" I showed him the messages and his eyes flashed red. He went over to me and hugged me. I hugged back rubbing his back calming him down. He was slowly releasing his tension.

"No one is coming for you baby. I promise. No is going to take you your mine."

"I know baby. Calm down"

He sighed and calm down. I finished putting the groceries up then me and him went to the room and watched a few movies.

Who would want to text me saying that. It couldn't be issac. We both rejected each other and I'm happy with Charlie. We're mates for crying out loud. I don't know I'm not stressing over it. I turned the tv off and fell asleep on Charlie's chest.


I woke up feeling so much better. I'm still tired but I got enough sleep last night. I went to take a shower and do my daily things. I was happy. I was extremely happy, I got to text me angel. My precious perfect beautiful princess.

I tracked down channels number. She was two states away and from where she is located she is living with rogues.  I growled. I freaking hate rouges. There such trouble makers.

I hope channel isn't like them. I hope she is still sweet.

I decided to text her after staring at her numbers for a couple hours. Yes hours. I had nothing better to do.

I: hey baby
C: what do you want? Who is this???
I: don't worry beautiful.

She didn't text back. Um no she better text me back or I swear I'll grrrrr.

I: baby??

No answer

I: text me back or else
I: I'll hurt you I swear I will
I: I didn't mean it baby I wouldn't hurt you

Still no answer. Why is she freaking ignoring me. I will freaking hurt her. I'll make her go crazy.

I: I'll hurt your family princess.
C: no you won't
I: I'll start with your twin..sad and funny about what happened with your other twin
C: how do you know about that
I: I was there, I laughed

That sounded cruel. What am I doing?

I: I laughed really hard seeing your heart broken
I: are you not texting me back???
I: I think I'll go after your brother..what's his name??? Kaylin???
C: don't you fucking dare
I: try me baby
C: leave me alone
I: never

She called me. I didn't answer. She kept calling and I was chuckling. Slightly twitching. My mate.

I: sorry love

No answer.

I: it's bad not to answer me you know

Still know text back. She is going to get it.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Thanks for the comments, and reads. I'm at 25k on this book.
I love that you guys are taking time out of your day to read.
I'm willing to read and put your ideas in the book also. Keep reading and voting please.
Love you my bugga boos ❤️

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