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Channel POV...

Yesterday was weird. I tried to contact Charlie a few times and I got no answer at all. I can't tell if I'm blocked out or if he just ignoring me. I know he isn't ignoring me but still. Hopefully something isn't wrong.

I was laying in Issac bed and he had his arm wrapped tightly and securing around me. I tried to get up but I had no luck. I sighed wanting to get out of this bed and out of his hold.

After 30 minutes of laying down. I finally was able to get out of bed because he rolled over. I quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I grabbed a towel on my way in. I locked the door and turned on the water.

I waited until the water got warm and got in. The water felt so good. I love taking showers. Who don't? If you don't then there's something wrong with you.

I washed and rinsed and sat there thinking for a bit. Once the water started getting cold I turned it off and grabbed the towel and dried my face.

I stepped out the tub and dried myself off. I heard a knock on the door and I wrapped the towel around me. I unlocked the door and peaked to see Issac standing there.

"I bought you some clothes" he said looking into my eyes smiling.

I returned the smile and grabbed the clothes. "Thank you Issac". I slowly closed the door and got dressed.

I brushed my teeth and got out the bathroom. I hung the towel on the bathroom door and as soon as I turned around I was caught in a hug.

It scared me at first but I hugged back once again. Been getting hugs ever since I got here. It's nice but gets annoying at times but it barely does.

"I um I have a question" I started to let go of him.

"Ask away" he pulled away and looked in my eyes smiling.

"Can I go see my family" I smiled and he frowned his eyes hardening.

"No"  he turned away from me.

"Why not"

"Because I said so, you will not run away from me again"

"Come with me. Please. " I made him look at me. My eyes doing the begging for me.

"Please Issac"

He hugged me once again and sighed. "Fine"

"Yay thank you" I hugged him back tightly.

"I'm sorry though" I felt him tense up.


"For like you know, like me killing your brother."

I didn't say anything and backed away from him. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to die but I just kept a straight face. He took a step towards me and I took one back. He looked hurt and sighed.

"When do you want to go see them?" He said in a low soft voice.


He nodded then opened the bedroom door. He went out first and I followed. Once we got to the living room I seen lots of people watching tv.

They turned and bowed there head to Issac but once they saw me there eyes held pity. They looked upset.

I looked down and kept following Issac. We went outside and went to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in and he closed the door behind me.

He ran to his side then got in the car. Once he started the car we took off.

I was happy to be seeing my family once again.

I missed them dearly and I bet they missed me to.

It took a while to get there. But once we did I jumped out the car and ran up to driveway and busted through the door.

"MOM??? DAD??? KAYLIN???"

I heard running down the stairs. Sounded like a stamped. My face lit up when I saw my family standing there in shock.

I ran towards them and engulfed them into a huge bear hug. I missed sooooooo much.

"I missed you guys" my tears started to fall slowly then I just broke down.

I was an emotional wreck.

"Oh baby we missed you so much. We thought you was hurt. I thought you died. I couldn't control myself" my mom said with each gasp of air.

"Please don't ever leave again." Kaylin said hugging my tighter. It felt good to be with my brother. Just wished my other brother was here.

"Can you please explain everything that happened" my father said pushing my hair out of my face.

I pulled away from them and sniffles rubbing my eyes.

"Long story short I ran away, found second chance mate, he marked me, I was happy then Issac found me. Took me away and now I'm here." I looked at them and they had curiosity written on there faces.

"Issac is ok with that mark?" Kaylin said.

"No I am not" Issac said growling and wrapping his arms around my waist. "She is mine and I will mark her soon"

I smiled at him and rubbed his arms. Just keep making him fall for this trick channel.

My parents looked at me confused. "I said he can redeem himself but until then he won't be able to mark me."

Kaylin looked at me suspiciously and I gave him a certain, desperate look.

"Sis can we talk please, privately.

"Yeah" I wiggles out of Issac grip and followed him upstairs.

"What are you up to. Since when you fall in love with the dipshit. You really can't be...fmfjskmff"

I put my hand over his mouth yet he still tried to talk. I giggled "I'm not in love with him. I'm just getting him close enough to make him believe I fell for him"

"I don't like where this is going"

"Well don't but trust me. I know what I'm doing ok"

"Well then what are you going to do after that?"



"I don't know"

He sighed and nodded. "If you ever need help come to me please"

"Why won't I"

We hugged then went back downstairs. Issac and my parents were talking and laughing. I tilted my head in confusion. I was shocked and so was Kaylin.

He was talking and laughing. With my parents. In there house. Like nothing bad ever happened.

I decided not to question and go sit down on a bean bag. What else could possibly be weird today.

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