What the heck???

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Channel POV....

I woke up to a stinging sensation on my arms and legs and chest. I started panicking and moving but it was barely doing anything for me. I was weak also. I looked around and my heart dropped.

No it couldn't be could it? No no it can't be. Mind playing tricks on me. It oh god it is. Please moon goddess don't let this be happening.

It could've been anybody in the world but it had to be him.

Issac started to wake up and I put my head down and closed my eyes.

"Good morning princess, I know your awake because how fast your heart is racing."

He was right. I couldn't control my breathing right now. I don't wanna be here in his room. I'm stuck with this maniac. All the thoughts of him hurting me was starting to slowly rush back into my head.

Wait a second. I should've mind linked Charlie a long time ago. Heck was I doing.

"Charlie, please come get me. I need help"

"Where are you?"

"Issac has me. My old me mate"

...... got no response. "Charlie??"...... still no response. Oh god please tell me something bad didn't happen to him. Well maybe he just mad and coming for me right now. Yeah that's probably it.

I felt something rubbing against my cheek and i snapped out of my thoughts and moved my head.

"Ah ah ah princess, I told you to text me back then this wouldn't have happened...well it was anyways"

"How did you get my number in the first place"

"Long sorry baby. Just know I was heart less about you. I did care about you I did. I was going crazy. Ask my wolf if you want" . Before I could speak he let his wolf take over.

"He was. But he went crazy as in need to be in a mental asylum. You need to run. Please channel. I won't be able to.."

Issac took back over and growled punching a wall. I jumped at his out burst.

"Oh baby please say your happy with me please" he put his forehead on mine. I didn't know what to do or how to react. "ANSWER ME" then he slaps me hard.

My face stung badly. I don't know if there will be a mark there but it sure did sting.

"I'm happy to be with you Issac" I said in a low voice. I wasn't happy to be with him. I wanted Charlie here with me.

"I'm going to mark you once again babe"


"Why, I don't want that mutts mark on what's mine. Your mine channel" he grabbed my throat but didn't squeeze like he was battling with himself. "Your mine and I won't let a man have you". I felt his finger try to squeeze but his grip wasn't getting tighter.

"Earn it" I said.

He let my neck go. "Earn what"

"My love, earn me back" I looked at him with pleading eyes and smiled at him. He looked at me and his eyes softened and his body relaxed. I didn't want him. I just wanted him to trust me enough so I'll run away again.

If he is going crazy. Then I have to play smart.

"But you can't mark me yet"

He clenched his fist and sighed. " alright princess. Thank you"

I was taken back by this thank you. It was weird hearing that come out his mouth. It was weird being with him again anyways.

He let me loose but he told me whenever I leave the house guards will constantly be with me. So yeah. Gotta play smart.

"Oh by the way. If I see your second mate set foot on my land I will kill him."

I just looked at him then he stalked over to me and hugged me. I flinched a little not expecting that at all. I don't think he ever gave me a hug.

His hug was warm and welcoming. After a few seconds of realizing he wasn't going to let go, I wrapped my arms around him.

I'm not going to lie. This hug felt great but then something incredible happened. He started crying. No not like dropping a few tears or silently crying. He was straight balling.

I was shocked. I didn't know how to comfort him so I just kept hugging him.

"Please don't leave me. I'm sorry"

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