Hmm what now?

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I woke up, wincing at the pain of light hitting my eyes. Light was so bright like why? I turned my head and rubbed my eyes when I noticed I was slowly moving up and down. I looked down to find Charlie underneath me sleeping. I smiled and got off putting the blanket back over him.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I love taking warm hot showers. It's so relaxing. I was in there for about 25 minutes. I got out and got dressed. Once the fig from the bathroom cleared out, I went to go brush my teeth. I put on light makeup nothing fancy and went downstairs.

"Hey baby" Charlie said causing me to scream scaring the daylight out of me. He just stared at me for a while then busted out laughing. I don't know what was so funny. I could've had a heart attack and died."Nothing is funny." I said staring him down.

"It is funny, you should have saw the look on your face. HILARIOUS". He was laughing like it was the funniest thing he had seen in his whole entire life. I just rolled my eyes and sat at the table.

"When did you get up?" I asked.

"When you was in the shower. I was going to make you breakfast so when you came down it was going to be done."

"Aww is it?"

"Sure is"

He comes and hands me my plate which smells amazing by the way. I had 2 pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon and grits. Me just looking at it made me feel full. "Thank you"
"Anytime love" he said while kissing my head.

I sat there and ate my food savoring each bite I took like it was going to be my last. MMMM FOOD, I love me some food.


I was pacing back and forth. I was angry. No sad. No outraged. No I'm depressed and worried.No no no I'm all of the above.

Where did she go. I don't have her smell anymore. She smelt so amazing. No she didn't I need to stop lying to myself.

"You need to stop lying. You miss our mate, I miss my mate and she gone all because of you. Your so dang stupid and think you all the because your an alpha"

I was just listening to wolf blab on.  He was right I am stupid. I do think I'm all that but it's because I have my reasons. Which is not getting into.

I know she must have another mate by now. I don't have her gorgeous smell. I don't feel any of her emotions. I can't even sense her. UGH.

"BETA" I boomed in my alpha voice.

"Yes alpha" he said running in breathless.

"I want you to put together the biggest strongest men in the pack and bring them to the auditorium. I want a search party. I want to bring my mate back home to me."

He smiled which had me a little curious. "Yes sir" and with that he ran out.

I was still pacing wondering where she could be. But when I get her back I will work my damn hardest to get her back. I would treat her right. Maybe I'll um maybe I'll love her. I'll just talk to her just for her to hear me talk.

I sighed and sat down for a quick second before jumping right back up. The door opened and my head snapped at the direction the door was and in walked. It was Ariel. No shocker.

"Heyyyy baby" she purred. She was drunk. It was obvious. I smelled it as soon as she came in he door.

"What do you want" I asked in a low husky voice.

"You baby" she came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck trying to kiss me. I pushed her away from me.

"I'm not your baby so don't come with me with that. Get out" i looked down at her and she just laughed.

"Stop playing games"

"GET OUT NOW" I yelled. She understood I wasn't in the mood today so great.

I sighed and went to the auditorium to set things right. I was going I channel back or at least try for god sake.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now