I just got kidnap and abused

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Channels pov...

I woke up feeling electricity going through me and I loved it. Then I realized I wasn't on my bed in my room and I smelled my mate. I tried to move but released I was tied to a bed. I started yanking on the rope. Didn't budge of course. I looked to my side after hearing a faint snore and clearly saw my so called mate who was sound asleep. I was watching him in awe.

"Channel if you don't get your a$s out these ropes. We just got kidnapped" I listened to her and started pulling the ropes again and that's when he woke up.

"What are you doing mutt" he woke up and slapped me so hard my face was stinging and pretty sure I had a hand mark on my face. I was hurt by this but how could he. He was our mate even though he rejected me but then he kidnapped me. KIDNAPPED ME!

"ANSWER ME" he slapped me again which caused me to hiss and he looked shocked. I was confused yet angry. How do you wake up and instantly start hitting a girl, your mate at that.

I was really mad at the second slap I hissed at him. I do have a short temper but still. I yanked at the ropes and they broke causing me to use my vampire speed and run out the room. I heard him following me but I was to fast for him. I was looking back then all of a sudden I got stopped by a wolf I ran into.

"$hit" I cussed under my breathe and got up and tried to run again but I got grabbed. I threw punches connecting the person in the face and as soon as the person let me go I felt a needle get injected into my back and liquid being injected into me.

I fell down whimpering and panting as I notice that I've been injected with wolfsbane. I howled in pain but it was cut short when someone stepped on my face breaking my jaw.

"Shut your ugly a$s up" my mate said.

I cried at that moment I just wanted to go home and be comforted by my family but I couldn't even do that. I was stuck here if I liked it or not. I got carried into the dungeon and was locked in there.

Soon as I wasn't in pain anymore I was starting to fall asleep. Issac came in and started punching me in my stomach and face. What did I even do to him? He was the one that rejected me. I tried to fight back but it wasn't worth it so I bit him in the leg. He howled in pain as I started sucking his blood but I stopped when he elbowed me three times in the face. I was hurting badly.

After a while of getting stomped and punched and elbowed and yelled at he finally threw me on some kind of thin bed. When I mean thin I really mean thin. Just imagine you stacking 3 pairs of shirts up as long as you are. That's how thin it was. "You are my belonging. You will do what I say when I say or else you disgusting blood sucker". And with that he left me down here by myself.

I tried to mindlink my family but for some odd reason I couldn't. I could sense my wolf crying and whimpering in pain.

"Why us. Why would he hurt us?"

" I don't know but I will find a way out of here. I promise". And with that I silently cried myself to sleep.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now