She tried

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Issacs pov...

I woke up to channel trying to rip out of the ropes which made me mad. "What are you doing mutt?" I asked her while slapping her as I hard as I could causing her to have the biggest red mark on her face. She didn't answer which mad me highly upset. "ANSWER ME"! I boomed at her slapping her once more which caused her to hiss at me. It caught me off guard and I got scared.

She yanked the ropes I had her in and she got out of them and use her vampire speed to get away. I quickly got off the bed and grabbed a needle with wolfsbane and run after her but she was much faster than me. Thank god my beta was there and stopped her but it seemed more of an accident.

I saw him let her go while holding his face but I quickly injected her with wolfsbane to weaken her wolf side. She was howling in pain but I stomped on her face to shut her up.

"Shut your ugly a$s up" I said to her while throwing her over my shoulder carrying to the dungeon. I left her there by herself for an hour and had a big make out session with Abby. The whole time my wolf was bothering me ever since I put our dumb mate in the dungeon.

"Go to our mate. How could you do that. I hate you so damn much"

" I don't care that you hate me and you want me to go to our mate then fine I will." I got up pushing Abby off me and went to channel. Once I got there she was falling asleep. I went to her cell and unlocked it and started punching her in the face. Se tried to fight back but ended up biting me and sucking the blood out of me. I elbowed her 3 times before she actually let go of my foot.

I was so heated I beated her even harder than after than I threw her on a thin a$s mattress. "You are my belonging. You will do as I say when I say or else you disgusting blood sucker". I said to her coldly it made me shiver a bit. I walked out the cell locking it and out the dungeon.

"That was not what I meant when i said go to mate." He growled.

"Oh shush up I do what I please and I don't listen to you". I growled back.

"Your so horrible. That's why your parents abandoned you."

With him saying that I blocked him and started crying once I got up to my room. I usually don't cry at all but that seemed to trigger something and I just let the tears fall out.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now