So bipolar

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Isaacs pov....

I felt bad but good at the same time. I didn't know she was a virgin but to late now. I took what couldn't be put back. When I asked her if she was a virgin it broke my heart a little bit knowing she was but I still decided to keep going. It felt way to good the way he insides squeezed me.

I marked which made her go unconscious. For a hybrid she can only take so much but that didn't stop me from doing what I want from her. She didn't wake up for a coup,e of days and I changed my some of my appearance. I grew my hair out and sticked it up then grew out a beard that connects to my little mustache.

I liked it and so did the rest of my pack. Nothing ever happened ever since I burned channels pack house down. No war. No fight. No confirmation. No nothing. I mean I wasn't worried or anything just thought something would happen by now.

I went to go check up on channel who was slowly waking up. I went over to her and sat on the ground looking at her remove her hair from her face. Once her face showed I saw how bruised and broken her face looked. The fear she had in her eyes was unbearable to look at and the way she shakes every time she moved scared me.

I was hitting her way to much. "I'm sorry" I said softly. She nodded and she was just staring at me. Well I did change my appearance maybe that's why she was staring so hard. Even though I treated her badly I could tell she still loved me. I killed her friend or boy friend or whatever in front of her. I felt bad but I didn't like him. He was a rogue and stole her from me then worst of all he was hugging and kissing her.

"How about we go one a date" I asked, well more commented than asked and she didn't say anything. "Later on I meant" I said after couple minutes when she still didn't reply. It was making me upset she wasn't answering.

"ANSWER ME!" I yelled and she threw up right beside me almost touching my clothes. I quickly got up watching her throw up almost anything she ate I'm the last couple days. Why in the world would she throw up so randomly like that unless she was...

"My mate is pregnant" my wolf howled in excitement. No she can't be. Wait I did. But that shouldn't have.. But maybe it...I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test and came back home to see my maid cleaning up the puke as channel looked lifeless on the floor.

Wondered the last time she ate. I took the chain off her neck and saw the chain left a mark on her neck. It was from the wolfsbane and how tight I put it on her. She was so weak and all I wanted to do was comfort her. UGH stupid thoughts. I grabbed her by her arm and picked her up. She tried to stand but failed so I dragged her to the bathroom.

I put her on the toilet and threw her the pregnancy test. "Pee on it" I demanded and she did. When she was done I snatched it out her hand before she read it and my eyes opened wide as I say 2 pink lines telling me she was pregnant.

What have I done. I don't need a child. Worst of all I didn't want a mate but I've already claimed her. Can't go back now. I threw it on the floor and walked out slamming the door. I went on a run to clear my mind.

Channels pov...

I was so confused at the way he was acting. When I mean he I meant Isaac. One day he sweet and apologizes then mean and abusive then sweet and abusive. It was so confusing.

I threw up beside him after he yelled at me. I thought he was going to hit me but he didn't and he ran out the house. I sat there for few minutes until I saw the maid come in and clean up the puke. I watched her then couple seconds later Isaac came back.

He took the collar off me and stared at my neck. I wish I knew what he was thinking but he picked me up by my arm and I tried to stand up and walked but I was so weak. I got dragged to the bathroom and got threw on the toilet."Pee on it" he demanded and I did.

Before I had time to look at it he snatched it out my hand and read it himself. His eyes widen. He threw the test on the floor and walked out the house slamming the door. That could only mean one thing. I picked up the test and saw two pink lines mentioning that I'm pregnant. I was happy I was having a baby but sad also that I don't know what he is going to do.

I cried not knowing what'll happen. To me and especially the baby. What my family will think.

Isaacs pov....

I ran for 5 hours. Was I mad yes I was, was I upset yes I was, was I happy a little bit.  It still didn't change the fact I don't love channel and I will not take care if that baby. I went home and soon as I went upstairs I saw the most horrible thing in my life. Channel was hanging by her neck. Her skin was ripped open, her throat was sliced and her neck and body was burned.

All I did was stand there. I didn't help her or call for help I just stood there taking in the sight.

"HELP HER. WHY YOU JUST STANDING THERE. YOU CAUSED THIS. SEE WHAT YOU DID!" My wolf was so heart broken and I was also. I ran to her and cut the rope catching her while she fell. I took the rope off her neck and carried her to the pack house. I cried while running. I felt so horrible. Once we got there I pushed people out my way. "HELP MY MATE NOW. GET ME A DAMN DOCTOR." I boomed in my alpha voice. A doctor came and took her from me. They hooked her up to a bunch of machines while I paced back and forth.

I waited for hours before news came back to me.

"Alpha sir" the doctor said and I looked up to him. "Is she ok, what's wrong." I was so worried. "She lost lots of blood and she isn't taking the blood I give her. Her body is rejecting it. She was pregnant and the baby didn't make it."

My heart dropped when he said that. I was such a bad person. Look at what I caused. I started crying.

"We are doing all that we can to help her but I'm afraid that I don't know if she will make it or not." The doctor said before going back and working on channel.

My abusive alpha mate Where stories live. Discover now