I made a run for it

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Channels pov...

Soon as Isaac fell asleep in my arms I waited for a good hour to make sure he was really sleeping. Once he was i softly put him down replacing my legs with a pillow and I used my vamp speed to jump out window and go home.

I really couldn't stay there any longer and I really didn't know if issac was telling the truth that he was sorry or lying. He jus put me through so much pain in the last 2 days it was unbearable. I ran with my vamp am wolf speed and got home in 2 minutes. I knocked on the door loudly wanting to hurry up and get in like he someone was chasing me.

Finally someone came to the door and it was mike and I hugged him for dear life. " i missed you so much" I said to mike crying in his arms while we stood in the doorway hugging. Looking like a crazy couple who just got back together. After a few seconds he brung me in the house and locked the door and hugged me again. I hugged him back and that's when Kaylin walked downstairs.

"Mike are still crying" he asked rubbing his eyes then he looked at me and got so happy and ran to us tripping over his own feet and got back up and hugged the both of us but mostly me. I hugged him harder than I hugged mike and cried even harder. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. I'm such a bad brother. We tried to get you back we felt your pain. I'm sorry you have such a bad mate." Kaylin was crying so hard and hugging me so tight. I've haven't seem him like this.

Mom and dad came downstairs and hugged and cried and we was all hugging and crying in the middle of the living room. Yes it was very emotionally because we are all so close and it bothered us to be away from each other especially if one of us is in pain. Lots of pain. We ended up all falling asleep in the middle of the living room floor stacked up in a little pile. It was warm and we was all comfy.


By the time morning came up I got up to find myself alone. I started to panic but then the smell of breakfast calmed my nerves. I went to the kitchen and saw all kinds of breakfast food on the table. "Morning" they all said to me. "Morning" I said back and found my seat and sat down and ate. It's been two whole days since my last meal and I was freaking starving.

Oh my gosh, imagine all the homework I have to do. And the explaining I have to tell jasmine. After I was done eating I took myself a warm hot relaxing shower. Some of my bruises were healed others were still getting there. I took al line hot water and put on a t shirt with some joggers and went back downstairs.

I saw mike in the backyard in his golden wolf form running around playing with Kaylin in his golden brown wolf form with a white spot on his chest. I went back there with them and I shifted to my wolf which was a rare red color with blue swirls in my fur with a flame tip on my tail. I loved my wolf. I loved my rareness and I loved people's reactions to it. I'm rare and I really love it.

I played with my brothers getting my strength back after what seemed like 3 hours we got tired and headed back inside. We went to go put on some clothes and relaxed in the living room and watched the movie finding dory. It was funny and sad yet exciting. I loved it plus I could tell my family liked the movie to by the way they didn't take their eyes off the tv.

After the movie was over we all cooked dinner together. We ate steak, rice, beans, corn, mashed potatoes, and hiawiian bread. It was really good I got seconds and chugged down a whole two litters of de.pepper. I didn't usually eat like this but boy I was starving today. I cleaned the dishes and sat back down on the couch wondering if he will ever show up. Not knowing that later on today he is going to come back highly upset and mad.

Issacs pov....

I woke up to find channel gone. I got up and looked for her around my whole house but he scent only lead outside. Was I worried I lost her yes I was but mostly I was angry at her. I let her go and apologize just to find her gone leaving me to sleep on the floor.

I growled and shifted to my wolf and followed her scent back to her territory the Red Moon pack. It was the second powerful and strongest but mine was better. I ran to the pack house and her scent was all over that place and that made my wolf go crazy.

"Mate go to her. Bring her back to me." He whimpered.

I shifted to human form and threw on shorts and had t shirt that I carried in my mouth on my way here. I knocked on the door and channels father came to the door.

"Hello alpha Isaac" he bowed his head in respect.

"Where is she" I questioned him trying to sound peaceful.

"Who?" He asked confused which made me growl. He was playing stupid with me and I didn't enjoy it one bit. If I could kill him which I can I gladly will but for right now that's not on my agenda.

"STOP PLAYING DUMB WITH ME. WHERE IS CHANNEL" I roared loudly causing him to jump back a little and made me smirk.

"I don't know where she is you had her. You telling me you lost my DAUGHTER?" He growled and soon three other growls came behind him which was the Luna and two brothers. I looked at them then back at him.

"I didn't lose her, she left me.  I know she is in here I can smell her all over this place." I said getting annoyed and clenching my fist.

"Well maybe because this is her house that's why her scent is all over this place." Kaylin replied harshly and I grabbed him by the neck. "Don't speak to me like that do you understand."  He punched me in the face and that made my lip bleed but I licked it and chuckled and released him.

"You guys don't know what your getting yourselves into. Jus give me my mate back and I'll leave you alone." I simply said.

"To bad she isn't here then" the Luna replied and shut the door in my face. I growled and shifted to my wolf and started running back home. I know she was in there her scent was way to strong. Well she did live there but still. Where else would she hide other than there? I'm coming back and gonna make them regret disrespecting me in the first place.

I'm not starting a war but at this pace it might end up as one.

"Mate" my wolf whimpered.

I didn't say anything back and I went to my pack house and put on clothes and sat in my office thinking of a plan.

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