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Issacs pov...

I woke up with Abby in my arms and sharp pain went through me. I howled in pain and grabbed my stomach falling on to the floor. I didn't know why I started to feel sharp pains.

"Our mate is in heat you dummy". My wolf growled at me. That means she can be anyways now. Oh god. I can't let that happen. I was about to get up and go to channel but Abby stopped me. "Where you going ba..." She stopped and her eyes went black full of lust. "Your on heat. Claim me please. I want to be your ma.." I cut her off by slapping her and threw her on the bed making her hit her head on the bed frame.

I ran down to the dungeon and saw her and a rouge kissing. I growled making them break apart. How did he even get in there in the first place?

"MINE!" My voice boomed and echoed around the room and I stalked towards them growling. I was so close to letting my wolf take control but I didn't and went into the cell and pushed the rouge away from her and punched her in the face.

Channels pov....

"MINE!" His voice boomed echoing. He threw James off me and punched me in the face.

James jumped on him punching him and Isaac punched him back causing James to go flying. Issac shifted to his wolf and that's when I shifted to mine and stood in front of him growling deeper and louder than him. He was shocked at my appearance and I lunged at him. I bit him in his side and bit a chunk of meat off him. He howled in pain but I clawed and little did I notice James was being taking into another cell while I was fighting Isaac.

I stopped and went to go to James but got stopped by someone biting my tail causing me to whimper. Before I did anything I got injected with a needle that caused me shift back. I was naked while a naked Isaac beat me. He bit me, punched every part of me, poured wolfsbane down my throat making me choke, he cut me, he elbowed me, stomped my face and then kicked me to the wall making my skull crack. I looked up to him then at James who tried to get me and then I let darkness consume me.

James pov....

I watched as he beated her senseless. I felt so bad I cried and tried to help her but I couldn't. I watched as she went unconscious and Isaac smile. I growled at him and he shot me a evil glare. If looks could kill I've would've been dead at this moment.

He looked back her and bent down and rolled her over spreading her legs. I didn't know what he was doing at first but then I realized he was going to rape her while she was unconscious. I growled and yell at him to stop but he didn't. My heart ached at how hard I was struggling to break the cell. He started moving his thing around her private area groaning.

All of sudden I got so much strength I broke my cell and hers and beated him senseless. I didn't know what came over me but I loved it. I picked channel up and ran out the dungeon. No guards was there which was surprising. I ran out their territory and ran to a secret rouge spot no one knew about except for rouges.  I laid channel down on a bed and stared at her body. She had nice curves, very thick, breast was perfect and her butt was so big.

I came out my thoughts and put clothes on her and myself. I went to a river that was couple feet away from the home I put her in. I looked at myself and thought for a good 2 hours.

"How was we able to do that?" I asked my wolf.

"Channel gave us the power to do so." He simple replied.

"How did she do that, did she know she was about to get rapped?" I was confused but thankful.

"She can do all kinds of things but that's something you have to ask her." He replied and I didn't say anything back.

I went to check on her and saw all kinds of men rouges standing around the house there eyes full of lust fighting each other for who gets who.I pushed the ones who was in my way out my way and saw channel bout to get marked by my friend kyi. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled and he jumped being frightened. "I was bout to mark her as mine. She is on heat" I cut him off before he said anything else. "She's mine now." I growled and he looked at her than back at me. "OUT!" I don't know what was happening to me but he left. I stayed with her for the rest of the day.

Issacs pov...

I was going to have sexual contact with channel until the rogue came and knocked me out. I was going to beat him up but I was to distracted by my sexual needs and reacted to late. So after the beating was done I went unconscious and didn't know what happened after that.

I woke up to my third in command shaking my harshly. "ALPHA" he yelled at me and I grabbed him by the throat and gave him a warning growl but let him go. I got up and saw that the rogue and channel was gone. "How long was I out" I asked holding my head. "2 days sir." I groaned in annoyance. She never gives up does she. Next time I have her she is going to get it and I mean it.

Kyi pov....

I was walking around until I saw all kinds of rouges circling a house fighting until I smelt something so dang delicious. It wasn't a smell like you would smell your mate but like someone on heat. I ran past them fighting only one person that got in my way.

I ran up to the scent and I saw the most gorgeous girl laying on my friends James bed.
I walked over to her and she looked beat up but was healing fast. I started kissing her neck and was bout to mark her until James walked in. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled at me causing my to jump. "I was mark her as mine, she is on heat" I got cut off by him. "She's mine now." He growled. I looked at her than back at him. I didn't know why he was so..different. It was weird. "OUT" he yelled and ran out the house.

I'll ask him whats going on with him. He never acted like this so it was shocking. The rogues stopped fighting when James came outside with her after couple hours. She was fully healed and looked so damn fine. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wanted her to be mine but that wasn't happening to I just left it alone. If I can't have her than James couldn't either.

I went to James when she walked away and looked into the lake. "Where she came from." I asked him. "The Blood Shine pack why." He replied then continued "she was the alpha mate but she was rejected and abused and I helped her because she helped me and I fell in love with her so quickly."  I felt happy for him but still was going to take her away form him.

"That was sweet of you" I gave him a hug then went on a walk. Little did he know I was walking to Bloodshine pack. Soon as I arrive I was taken to the dungeon. I didn't fight the guards I just followed the orders keeping the peace. I patiently waited for the alpha to come. Couple minutes went by and he finally came in.

"Why are you trespassing rouge." He growled. "I came to tell to that I found your mate." I replied. "WHERE IS SHE. I'm going to break her in half when I get her back in my arms." Dang well to late to turn back. "I'm able to leave right" I questioned raising my eyebrow. "Yes. Your able to leave take me to her."

Sorry James but you can't always have everything.

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