My pleasure her pain

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Isaac pov....

I got off her once I released my pleasure into her once again. I looked down at her to find out she was unconscious and laying in a huge pile of blood and I whimpered a little because of our bond but still didn't care about her.

I took the belt off her neck and her head almost came off. Literally her head almost came off but it instantly healed. Which is weird because only her neck is healed but her whole body isn't. Whatever though.

Abby came in and I pulled her by her waist and kissed her. She quickly kissed me back and I used her for my sexual pleasure.

~~~few hours went by~~

I went upstairs around and found channel crying. I went beside her and hugged her. She didn't hug back and I hugged her harder. She whimpered as I started using my wolf strength to squeeze the life out of her and I heard her spine crack in half and she went limp.

I let go of her and she fell to the floor. I smirked and got up looking down at her.

I picked her up by her neck and stared at her. Her eyes were so pretty but they held hate and pain. She was struggling to breathe and I threw her across the room out the window. I went downstairs and held Abby's hand and took her outside and went to channel.

Channel had landed on her face. My heart broke in half at the sight. Abby looked up at me and smiled.

"Yay baby now she is finally gone. Just me and you" she said while hugging me.

I hugged her back but the moved her and told her to wait in the house.

She followed orders and I went to channel and her skull was cracked open. Spilling out so much blood. I dropped a tear but wiped it away and rolled her over. Her face was squished in and was dead. Fully dead.

I cried and cried and cried. I honestly didn't want that to happen. Just to hurt her not kill her. I know I was a killer but to a mate. No.

I picked her lifeless body up and carried her to the pack house. I set her down on the hospital bed and let the doctors try to bring her back to life. I left soon as I put her down.

I went home and laid on my bed looking at my window. I cried again but stopped when Abby came in.

"It's ok, you only feel that way because of the bond." She told me while rubbing my chest.

I didn't really care if it was the bond. I did really feel something for channel. I felt so horrible.

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