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Third Person POV•

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Louis exclaims, as he spills drinks on the third customer that evening.

The woman is covered in water, luckily it wasn't soda. Louis is the clumsiest person ever.

"Oh its quite alright, darling." The elderly woman said, wiping off her blouse, and smiling at Louis. "I know how hard these jobs can be."

Louis is a bit in shock, not expecting the lady to be so nice. "I am so sorry. I am the absolute clumsiest person on this earth! Its just, I need really need this job and-"

Louis is cut off by the woman. "Darling, calm down. I forgive you, even though you have nothing to be sorry about. I would like to tip you, because you are amazing."

"Tip me?" Louis asks incredulously, "But I spilled your drink all over you!"

The woman smiles kindly at Louis. "Yes, but, you have an amazing personality, and you deserve it."

The woman puts a bill in Louis' hands. "You deserve this, okay?" She says and walks out.

Louis looks down in his hands and sees a 100 pound note in his hand. He gasps in shock, standing there.

"Louis! Get your arse in here and serve some customers!" He hears his boss, and also best mate, Niall, call to him.

He quickly rushes into the kitchen, carrying the empty cup and tray in.

"Now, Lou. I know you can be a bit, or really clumsy, but you can not mess this one up! Got it?" Niall says to him, sternly.

"Huh? Why-." Louis asks confusedly, as Niall pushes him out of the room. He stops, quietly gasping when he sees the Harry Styles sitting at a table.

Who is Harry Styles, you may ask? Well, let's say he's only the biggest pop sensation in the entire world.

Or known as Louis' former best friend and bully.

Louis snaps out of his shock, walking over to his booth, not wanting to keep him waiting.

"H-hi." He stutters. "I'm L-louis and I'll be your w-waiter today."

"Yeah." Harry says not looking up from his phone. "I'll have the turkey sandwich, mac and cheese, and some coke, asap."

"Coming right up." Louis says turning around and thinking how he actually hasn't changed one bit.

There were always rumors that he was a jerk. But, Louis never actually thought he was. Like, yeah he was really mean to Louis in high school. But he's famous now!

Louis has his order ready in a minute tops. The cook had already made some extra food. Making Harry's plate and putting it on a tray.

Louis picks up the tray praying that he doesn't spill everything on him

Louis' prayers are certainly not answered.

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