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Throughout the next two weeks, Harry is only home once, taking a shower and driving right back to the hospital. He is currently sitting next to Louis, holding his hand.

"I know... That you can't hear me. I know that you hate me and I was such a jerk to you." He croaks out. "But... I care about you. Like, a lot. You... You make me feel so many things I've never experienced before."

"And... I know you have a very high chance (chonce) of not getting out of this coma. But I'm still praying and hoping and wishing... That you would. That way I can show you how much you mean to me. Louis..."

"Your my world. Your the sun, the moon, the stars. Your everything to me. I've just been denying it..... Its killing me seeing you like this. But, I know you can make it. Because I believe in you, and I... I love you. So so so much."

Harry feels a grabbing sensation of his hand and looks down.

He feels Louis' hand squeezing his, and he see's it moving.

He gasps and looks up at his face.

His eyes are fluttering open, and he's desperately gasping for breath.

Harry quickly shoots out of his chair. He's hitting the assistance button, calling for a nurse.

A doctor quickly shoots into the room, seeing Louis' current state and immediately running to his side.

"Shhhhhh.... Calm down. Your okay." They say soothingly. Harry breathes a sigh of relief when Louis immediately calms down.

"What-" Louis immediately starts coughing. "What happened?"

"Your in the hospital sweetie." The woman says. "You got in a pretty bad accident."

Louis seems to think for a minute, processing the information in his head. He looks over at Harry. "Who are you?" He asks.

Harry's eyes widen in shock.

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