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Harry does not take the news lightly. His face immediately crumples and tears fall down his cheeks.

"They, um... They said he has a very high chance (chonce) of not making it." She finishes.

Harry pulls her close. "I'm sorry." He says. "For treating him the way I did."

She pulls back. "Harry, I was mad at you. It not for the reason you think." She sniffles.

Harry does his best to look confused through his sorrow.

"I saw the way you looked at him. Like he was the most beautiful person in the world. Like he was the only person in the world. Like.... Like he was your world. And you kept denying it to yourself."

"He was." Harry sobs.

Johannah gives him a look.

"He is." Harry says.

Seconds later the doctor walks in. He's an older man with slight stubble and gray hair.

"Hello." He says, shaking Harry's hand. "And you are?"

"Harry Styles."

The man gasps. "Aren't you that singer? My daughter, Savanna, is the biggest fan of you!"

"Yes I am." Harry smiles, his spirits being a little lifted at the thought of his fans.

"Well, its very nice to meet you." He smiles. "Anyway... I'm here to talk about Louis."

Harry feels Jay tense up beside him, and wraps an arm around her.

"He's... Well, he's not in very well condition. Normally when patients show up like this, we keep them here for a while, unless their loved ones want us to... Well, you know."

"So, Jay, you've already told me you want him to stay here for at least a month, but you can't stay here with him. I cannot have you stressing over this. I know it can be very heartbreaking. But, if something happens, I wouldn't want you here if that something were to happen."

"We'll call you every day to keep you updated, unless you inform us not to. Now, visiting hours are almost over. So, I'd like you to say farewell." He says.

Harry shoots from his chair. "I need to stay here."

"Now, Harry. As I told Johanna-."

"For an autograph and a VIP pass to my upcoming tour."

The man thinks for a bit. "Well... I'm not supposed to do this... But... I guess I could for you two."

Harry sighs in relief, grabbing a paper from the counter. He writes his autograph down and hands it to the doctor.

"I just need your address and the passes will be shipped to you in the next 5 days." He says.

The doctor gives him the address and is out of the door.

"Oh, thank you so much, Harry!" Jay exclaims.

"Your very welcome, Jay." He says. "I'll be here all night, so if you could inform Liam and Niall out in the lobby of everything, and be on your way home. You need some rest."

"But, Harry-."

"No 'buts' Johannah. You need rest. I'll be here." Harry interrupts her.

Johannah sags in defeat, but understands. She is tired. "Thank you, Harry."

"Anything for you and Louis."

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