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Over the next few days, Harry tells Louis about who he is, and all.

He tells Louis everything. How they used to be best friends. How Harry used to bully him. Everything.

But not the accident.

Louis starts to remember Harry. But, he can't seem to remember anyone else. Not even himself.

Louis' doctor tells Harry that's the best way it can be right now. If Louis is reminded of anyone else. There is a high chance that he could remember the accident and go into traumatic shock.

So, Harry is the only one who can see Louis until he gets better.

Currently Harry is sat in Louis' hospital room, Louis being asleep beside him and Dr. Robinson sitting next to him.

"Louis seems to have gotten healed quite well." Dr. Robinson says. "Everything is quite healed besides his arm and leg."

"That great." Harry says, not really paying attention, as he's watching Louis sleep.

"We've decided its safe for him to leave." That catches Harry's attention fast.


"Yes." He responds. "But only under one condition. He has to be with you at all times. If he sees anyone he knows, you know what could happen."

"I'll make sure." Harry says, and he means it.

"Great. Well, once he wakes up, you can get him out of bed and your off to go. The wheelchairs in the closet, and his clothes are in that bag beside his bed." The doctor says, standing up.

"Thank you." Harry says. "For everything."

"Your very welcome." Dr. Robinson responds, shaking Harry's hand and walking out of the door.


About 2 hours later, Louis wakes up and Harry tells him the news.

Louis seems excited to leave, and Harry helps him get up and dressed before they are out the door.

Before they leave Dr. Robinson calls him back. "I'll be right back, Lou." Harry says and Louis nods his head.

"Harry, I've been looking at scans of Louis' brain. The other doctors and I agreed. We think it may be safe enough to take Louis back to where it happened."

Harry nods his head in understanding. He's going to take Louis back.


An hour later, they are at the auditorium.

"Where are we?" Louis asks, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"This is where you were before your accident."

Louis nods in understanding. "I was singing you a song I wrote. To show you how sorry I was for everything I did." Harry smiles.

"I remember looking at you. You were sitting there looking up at me sing." Harry chuckles. "At that moment I knew why your mom calls you sunshine."

Louis blushes and looked down at his lap. "My mom... Her name is J- Jo... Johannah? Right?"

Harry smiles even bigger. "Your starting to remember."

Louis smiles back. "Yeah, I... I guess I am."

Harry stares at him fondly before snapping out of his trance. "Do you remember the song I sang you?" He asks.

Louis sighs and sinks back down. "No, I'm sorry."

Harry walks up to him. He crouches down and hold his hands in his. "Louis, what happened was terrible. I don't expect you to remember everything."

Louis nods. "I just... I wish I could remember!" He says, frustratingly.

Harry looks down. "I wish I could forget."

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