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Harry turns around to face Louis and looks him in the eye.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry." He says. "I had no right to say what I said back there. It seemed like a joke at the time. But, I saw your tweet. I didn't know you were inse-"

"It doesn't matter!" Louis cuts him off. "You have no right to barge into my apartment. I appreciate the apology, but I really can't forgive you. Not after everything you've done. Please...just go." He finishes, whispering and opening the door.

Harry stands up, walking over to the door. He turns to Louis one last time, "I brought you some lunch. Keep it. I really am sorry." He says genuinely, and walks out.

Louis stares after him in shock. Harry really just aplogised to him?

Louis closes his door, sitting on his couch and staring at the food, still in shock.

Did Harry really mean it?

Probably not.


While Harry drives back to his house, he can't get Louis out of his head. He feels so bad that he made Louis feel so bad, that he won't even forgive him.

Harry's more confused than anything, because being next to Louis makes him feel something he can't explain.

He feels different when Louis' not there. And different when he is there.

All he knows is that he needs to make it up to him.

He just doesn't know how.

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