(Epilogue) ×•× (Epilogue)

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2 years later

"Louis William Tomlinson,

You have been my world since we first met. Your bright smile and beautiful captivated me. I know our start was a bit false, but I have loved you since we were 18.

You are such a sweet person and I cannot imagine my life without you. Without you I'm nobody, killing time. So, Louis William Tomlinson, baby...

Will you become Louis William Styles?"

Louis gasps from his place the middle of the stage, hand covering his mouth, as Harry gets down on his knee and pulls out the most gorgeous ring Louis has every seen.

Louis nods. "Yes, I will."

The fans cheer loudly as Harry stands up, picking Louis up and twirling him around. Louis laughs and wraps his legs around Harrys waist.

Harry effortlessly holds Louis up with one hand as Harry slips the ring on his finger.

"KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS!" The fans start shouting.

Louis looks into Harry's eyes, them both leaning in, and their lips meet in their first kiss as fiancès.

The crowd cheers loudly, a few wolf whistles being heard, as Harry and Louis smile against each others mouths.

"I love you, Harry Edward Styles." Louis whispers.

"And I love you, Louis William Styles."

And their lips meet again.

And that's the story of the klutz and the popstar.

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