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Louis is about a foot away when he loses his footing, tripping over his shoelace and crashing into Harry's booth.

The food flies everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean, on Harry.

"What the fuck?!" Harry screams, quickly standing up, not giving one glance at Louis. "Why the hell would you do that?! Don't you know who I am?!"

"I'm so sorry! I really didnt mean-"

"Oh shut up, would you. I demand a new waiter! And to get him fired!" Harry cut Louis off, shouting.

Louis lays on the ground in shock at Harry's outburst.

Niall immediately came out, seeing Louis on the ground, Harry standing above him covered in food.

"What happened?" Niall asked Harry, not giving one good thought to Louis.

"This clumsy waiter boy, Louis or whatever, spilled this food all over me, and I demand a new waiter and for him to get fired this instant!" Harry yelled, stomping his foot.

"I am so sorry, sir! We'll get this cleaned up right away, and a new waiter for you shortly." Niall exclaims.

"As for you," Niall says turning to Louis, glaring, "you come to the back with me."

Louis quickly gets up, shooting a glance at Harry, who was smirking at him. Louis turns away before he sees Harry's face go into a shocked expression, and follows Niall into the back.

"What the hell, Louis!" Niall exclaims, once they are all the way in the back.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Louis yells. "You know I'm clumsy! This was bound to happen! I mean, do you even know who he is?!"

"Well, duh, hes like the most famous person in all of London. Listen, I'm not firing you, because we're best mates and I would never do that to to you. But, just go home for the night, okay? You need some rest." Niall states.

Louis huffs, but nods nevertheless, grabbing his sweater and walking out to the front.

Sparing a glance at Harry, Louis sees him munching happily on his new food. He looks up and smirks at Louis, waving bye with a menacing smirk on his face.

Louis looks away. Wow, just great. He literally had to serve the biggest jerk in the world.

That lowers Louis' self-esteem way more than it already was.

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