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When Louis got home, he immediately collapsed on his bed. Wanting and needing to just lay down and rest.

He had been looking all over town for a job that he may actually be good at, but thus, nothing was available.

He was scrolling through his Instagram, when he decided he might as well check his Twitter too, knowing he hasn't been on in a while.

He had gotten a few followers since then. He wasn't very popular on social media, but he did have a few thousand followers on Twitter.

He was looking through the current trends when he came across one that read, #HarryHasChanged

He cocks his eyebrow in confusion, clicking on the tag and seeing Harry's tweet as the first thing that pops up.

'I've been a real jerk to you guys. I'm sorry for that. I'm going to change. Expect a free concert soon. All the love. -H'

Louis gasps in shock. The Harry Styles, the one who told him he sucked at his job, looked poor, and bullied him in high school actually just tweeted that?

"Your freaking kidding me!" Louis yells. "After all those hurtful things he said and did to me, and then he's going to suddenly change? What the hell?"

Louis is so angry, he decides to tweet Harry back.

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles Sometimes sorry doesn't work. You may have actually hurt someone's feelings a lot. People are already insecure enough, jerk.

He hits 'send' not having another thought and calming himself down.

He knows he's overreacting a bit, but he can't help it. He's been extremely insecure of himself since he's gotten the job.

Or maybe ever since high school, when he lost his best friend.


Harry is scrolling through his Twitter looking at all his fans replies. He sees his notification bar has a 50+ sign, so he goes to look.

The first thing he sees when the screen loads was a reply from '@Louis_Tomlinson'.

Harry stares at it for a minute. He wonders if he should actually read it.

He decides he should. Because, why not?

He clicks on it, not expecting what it says.

He reads it, his mouth gaping in shock.

He didn't think he actually hurt Louis' feelings. He was just being his old self.

Did he hurt Louis that much back then too?

'Well, fuck.' Harry thinks as he turns off his phone.

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