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Harry stays up all night, writing and writing. He spends almost 4 hours just thinking about Louis ,and writing about him, and all his traits.

By the next morning, he comes up with the first verse.

I wanna write you a song,

One as beautiful as you are sweet.

With just a hint of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone.

I want to write you a song.

I wanna lend you my coat.

One that's as soft as your cheek.

So when the world is cold, you will have a hiding place you can go.

I wanna lend you my coat.

Now all Harry needs is a chorus and a few more verses.


By the time Harry's done its October 4th. It was the September the 30th when he started.

He calls Liam over to take a look at the song for him.

When he arrives at Harry's house, he has Niall with him.

"Oh, hey Niall." Harry says, looking confused.

"Oh, um." Liam starts. "We did have fun on our date, so we went on 2 more, and now we're dating." Liam explains.

"Awwww, you guys are so cute together." Harry says.

"Yeah yeah." Liam says. "Let's just see the song." Niall giggles.

"Okay, so.... Here it is." Harry says, handing them the paper. "I was actually wondering if maybe you guys could sing with me?" Harry asks.

"I'd be happy to Harry!" Liam says. "Niall would fit in perfectly he has an amazing voice." He smiles.

Niall blushes and looks down at his lap.

"Well, thanks guys." Harry says. "I was thinking about maybe doing it tomorrow? I just, kind of need sleep and to freshen up a bit."

"Okay, just call me with the details." Liam says.

"Okay." Harry says.

"I have a question." Niall blurts out.

"Yeah?" Harry says.

"Like... I know you guys were friends and everything. And then you started to bully him. But... Why is it so important now? Why do you need to make it up to him now?"


"You have feelings for him, don't you?" Liam asks.

"What? Pshhh, no." Harry stutters.

Liam and Niall give him that 'Are you seriously saying this' look and Harry cracks.

"So what?! Maybe I do. Maybe I've loved him since 9th grade. Maybe I was just denying that I was gay. Maybe I just freaked out when Louis told me that he-"

"Harry calm down!" Liam yelled, grabbing his shoulders.

"Right, sorry." Harry said.

Harry quickly calms down, breathing in and out slowly

Niall still sat there, gaping at Harry. "Y-you love him?!"

Harry rubs the back of his neck, finally admitting what he's been denying all these years. "Yeah. I... I love him."

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