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Guys its the last chapter before the epilogue!

Go follow SuckonLarry because she just finished her story called obsessed and it was AMAZING!

There may or may not be slight smut in here. Enjoy!

Don't forget to vote and all that shiz.


The next morning, Louis woke up with Harry pressed to his back and smiled as he remembered last nights previous events.

Louis snuggled farther into Harry's chest, Harry nuzzling his face into his neck, causing Louis to giggle as his curls brush his neck.

"Morning, baby." Harry says, his voice being gravelly from just waking up.

"Morning, Hazza."

Louis turns around to nuzzle his face into Harry's neck.

"God, I love you." Harry says, looking down at the perfect little angel in his arms.

Upon hearing those words, Louis giggles, looking up at Harry.

"I love you too."

Harry leans down to capture Louis' lips with his own. Louis sighs, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him closer.

Their lips move passionately against each other, not getting enough of the feeling of their lips together.

Louis moves, so he's straddling Harry. "Love you so much, Hazza." He whispers, Harry kissing along his neck.

Louis moans in pleasure when Harry finds his sweet spot, subconsciously grinding down onto Harry.

Harry moans and stops sucking his boyfriends neck. He sticks his hands in the pockets of Louis' jeans, pushing him down harder on himself.

"Harry..." Louis moans.

"So beautiful, princess." Harry moans, Louis grinding down filthily on him.

Harry kisses his neck once again, sliding up his jaw until their lips are molded together.

They suck and bite at each others lips, their tongues dancing together.

Louis whimpers as Harry pushes him down harder. "H-harry I'm gonna..."

Harry grinds up onto him. "Let it out, baby."

Louis nearly screams as his orgasm rips through him, cumming into his chinos. Harry moans and spills into his boxers, seeing Louis' blissed out face above him.

Louis blushes, looking down onto Harry. "Oops..."

"Hi." Harry smiles.

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