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Dedicated to Illeen because she is freaking amazing!!!


After Harry's concert, they all went home and Harry fell straight (weird cuz he's not) asleep.

The next day, Harry decides to invite Liam and Niall over for a movie night.

Its 7 P.M when they arrive and they all pick out Grease while Harry gets the snacks together.

An hour later, they're all huddled together. Liam and Niall laying on the couch together, while Harry and Louis are huddled on the loveseat.

Harry's arm is currently around Louis' shoulders, while Louis is huddled into his chest.

Only because the loveseat is small. Yeah, totally.

But, both boys are enjoying it very much. Barely paying attention to the movie, as they each are just loving it (like McDonalds. IM LOVIN' IT.) Louis loves the way Harry smells, and Harry hopes the tiny boy on his chest can't hear his heartbeat.

Let's just say... Its perfect.


2 hours later, Niall and Liam are heading home, and Louis is falling asleep on Harry's chest.

Once the boys are gone, Harry picks Louis up, and takes him up to his room.

He sets him down on his bed, pulling back, but Louis holds onto him.

"Stay." He whispers, and Harry can't say no. So, he slides in besides Louis, who immediately snuggles up on his chest.

Harry lays there for a few moments.

"Harry?" Louis asks softly.

"Yeah, Lou?"

"Were you.... Um, were you gonna kiss me earlier?"

Harry breathes in abruptly, not expecting that question from Louis. "Yeah I was." He says, being brave.

"And... That song... Was for me?"

"Every word, Lou."

"Can you kiss me, Harry?"

Harry quickly flips over, so he is hovering above Louis, arms on each side of his head.

"You sure you want that, Lou?" Harry asks, softly.

"I've been sure... Since we were 18." He whispers.

Harry quickly leans down, capturing Louis' lips with his own. Their lips move with passion. Harry's tongue sliding into Louis' mouth, immediately taking control.

Harry pulls away after a few minutes. "You drive me crazy, Lou."

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