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Louis goes back to the diner 3 days later. He's hoping and praying he never see's Harry again.

Its not that he wants to go back, but he needs the money. And he doesn't feel like applying for a new job.

He's back to his old, semi-happy, insecure self. Spilling drinks on customers, profusedly apologizing, and trying to make enough money for rent.

Niall finally decided it was time to give Louis a promotion. He decided 'Well, you can't go wrong at the cash register for carry-outs.' Hopefully.

So, here Louis is, standing at the counter waiting for customers to come in.

He is currently turned around, fixing the the salt and pepper shakers he knocked down. Maybe you can go wrong.

"Yoohoo! I've been waiting here for almost a minute! I have places to be!" Louis hears the oh-so-familiar voice and breathes in deeply.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Louis says.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Well, I want a tuna sandwich, mac and cheese, and a coke. But this time, in a to-go container and not in my lap. Chop chop."

Louis huffs, typing that into the cash register. "That'll be 10.52, sir."

Harry fishes out his wallet, grabbing a 20 pound note and handing it to Louis. "Keep the change. I'm sure you need it anyway." He smirks.

"Excuse me?" Louis says.

"Oh, you know. Working in a place like this, and working like that. I'm just guessing your a little desperate for money, and the owners are very desperate for a worker." Harry smirks.

Louis gapes at Harry, offended and hurt at what he said. He quickly turns around, grabbing Harry's food from the counter and shoves it in his arms. Harry stumbles in surprise.

"Here. Have a nice life. And let the door hit you on the way out." Louis says and stomps away.


"I quit." Louis tells Niall, walking into his office.

"What?" Niall exclaims.

"Listen, Niall. I really appreciate you giving me this job and all. But, I just can't handle it anymore. And its no secret that I absolutely suck at it." Louis says, grabbing his coat and car keys from the hook.

Niall sighs, knowing his friend has been insecure. "If that's what you want Louis. But, your free to come back anytime." He smiles at him.

"Thanks, Niall." Louis says, hugging him and leaving to his car.

He gets to his car, getting in and driving away to his crappy flat.

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