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After the days eventful events, Harry takes Louis back to his house, considering he can't be alone or see anyone.

They are both currently on the couch, Louis wrapped in a thick blanket, his foot resting on a footrest, while his arm hangs by his side in the brace.

No matter how much that boy has slept in the past two weeks, he still falls asleep, while they are watching Finding Dory.

"Hey, Lou. I was wondering-" Harry says turning to Louis, but stops when he see's he has fallen asleep.

He stares admiringly at the small boy. Admiring the way his eyelashes cast shadows on his high cheekbones. And his fringe makes him look all the more soft and feminine.

He finds himself leaning in, and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Harry wants to regret it, but he can't. Not one bit.

He stands up after that, going up in his room to take a shower.


Harry was shaking out his hair when he hears a small thump come from the living room.

He quickly runs out of the bathroom and down the stairs, seeing Louis lying on the floor.

Luckily, his foot was still on the footrest, and his arm was lying on his stomach.

Harry freaks out. What if Louis had hit his head?

He immediately decides to wake Louis up.

He quickly bends down to pick Louis up, lifting his effortlessly off the ground.

"My goodness Louis. Do you even eat?"
He says, realizing how light the boy is.

He sets him down comfortably on the couch, shaking him awake.

Louis' eyes flutter open, green meeting blue.

"Harry? What? Where am I?"



Harry explains everything to Louis, telling him about the accident, how he lost his memory, and how he wasn't allowed to see anyone other than him.

Louis takes in all the new information with wide eyes.

"S-so that's why... I have a cast on my arm and leg?" He asks.

"Yup." Harry says.

"You took care of me?"

"Yes, I did." Harry replies. "I was there the 2 weeks you were in the hospital."

Louis' eyes widened. "...thanks."

"Don't thank me. I wanted to do it."

Louis smiles. "Sorry for running out. I... Wasn't expecting that s'all."

"Its okay... As long as you are."

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