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Harry calls his best friend, Liam, hours later, asking if he wants to meet up for dinner. Liam says yes.

Harry walks in, planning on talking to Liam and Niall on how to make it up to Louis.

He walks over to Liam seeing him in a booth, and hugging him. They exchange 'hellos' and Harry explains to him everything that happened.

Liam immediately knows Harry needs help, and tell him he'll help him. Harry smiles at him gratefully, thanking that Liam knows he has a hard time asking for help.

Harry calls Niall over, needing him for the plan. When Niall walks over, he looks at Harry. "Yes?" He asks.

"I... Well, I kind of..." Harry stutters.

"He needs your help." Liam cuts in. Niall looks over at him, not noticing he was there before.

Though, Niall wonders how the hell he didn't notice the god sitting there before.

Niall blushes noticing he was staring and turning towards Harry.

"With what?" He says, trying to stop himself from looking over at Liam again.

Harry looks at Liam, noticing him checking Niall out, and smirks to himself.

"Well..." Harry starts, explaining the whole sha-bam to Niall.

"Wow, um, okay." Niall says, sitting down next to Liam, considering Harry was taking up the whole left side of the booth. "I just have one question." He asks.

"Yeah?" Harry says.

"Why do you care so much?" Liam asks, thinking the same thing as Niall.

Harry breathes in, "I.... Well... I knew Louis in high school."

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