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When they arrive at the hospital, Harry immediately shoots out of his car, running into the hospital.

He's at the front desk before Niall and Liam are out of the car.

"Louis Tomlinson." He says. The nurse looks up from her computer and gasps, seeing the Harry Styles standing in front of her.

She immediately bats her eyelashes and twirls her fake blonde hair around her finger.

"Hi, Harry." She giggles.

Harry inwardly rolls his eyes in annoyance. Don't be rude. He says to himself.

"Louis Tomlinson." He repeats more forceful this time, Niall and Liam coming into the doors.

She immediately stops smiling and rolls her eyes. "He's in room 307."

Harry barely gets a "thanks," out of his mouth before he's running to the elevator.

He presses the button. Waiting there for a few seconds, before he decides its taking too long, and runs up the stairs.

"Room 299.... Room 300... 302, 303, 304, 305, 306... 307!"

Harry goes to then the doorknob, stopping for a second and preparing himself for what he's about to see.

He turns the doorknob, and gasps when he sees Louis.

His right legs in a cast, he's got gauze wrapped around his head, cuts and bruises everywhere, and his left arm in a cast.

An older woman looks up from beside him, Harry immediately recognizing her.


"Harry? Is that you?" She asks.

Harry immediately walks to her, wrapping her up in a hug. She sobs into his shoulder.

"Did the doctors say anything?" He murmurs, when she steps back.

"They... They said that..." She starts, sobbing once again. Harry immediately sits beside her, rubbing her back.

"Its okay."

She calms herself down a bit. "He's in a coma."

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