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Harry had woke up late that following morning. He quickly got dressed, needing to go to the diner.

When arriving, he quickly walked in, not wanting anyone to see him.

He see's Niall at the front counter and walks up to him. "I need to talk to you." He states.

"Okay...?" Niall replies looking at him confusedly.

"I need Louis' address." He states, Niall opening his mouth to reply. "And before you say no, or ask why. Just, know that I really need to talk to him."

"Well.... I guess I can give it to you." Niall says skeptically, grabbing a customers order and handing it to her.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Harry smiles at him.

"Your welcome. Anything else you need?" Niall replies.

"Um, yeah, can I have a 2 tuna sandwiches, 2 orders of mac and cheese,1 large Coke and 1 large Mountain Dew."

"Coming right up."


When Harry arrives at Louis' apartment complex, he frowns at the looks of it, but he isn't going to judge him.

He quickly walks up the stairs, looking for Louis' apartment number. When he finds it, he shuffles all his food in one hand and knocks on the door.

He quickly hears a small thump of feet walking to the door, and it flings open.

Louis looks up at him, quickly attempting to shut the door again.

Harry quickly pushes the door back, not being much work, considering Louis is about 5 inches shorter, and smaller than him, and walks into his apartment.

Louis follows after him in anger.

"What? Harry? Why are you here? Get out!" Louis yells.

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