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Today was the day. The day Harry sings a song for Louis. Let's just say, he's a tad nervous.

Maybe a tad is an understatement.

Liam had to calm Harry down, telling him everything will be okay. It works for the most part.

Harry had rented out a small auditorium for the performance.

He had flowers, chocolate, and other things all over the room.

Niall is out, getting Louis. He tells him there going out for lunch, and Louis believes him on the most part.

Harry is doing a mic check, when Niall walks in, followed by a confused looking Louis.

Louis looks up and sees Harry. Immediately turning around and trying to leave. Though, Niall's not having it as he quickly grabs Louis' shoulders and pushes him into a front seat.

"Niall, what-"

"Louis if you don't sit down and stay sitting down, I swear to goodness gracious that I will shave off your hair in your sleep." Niall cuts him off.

Louis quickly gulps, planting his feet on the floor and looking towards the stage.

Harry makes eyes contact with him as Niall walks onto the stage.

Louis looks a lot like a confused kitten, which has Harry almost cooing. Almost.

Once Niall and Liam are set up, Harry speaks into the microphone. "I wrote this one for you. I want to show you that I'm sorry. And that..." He trails off, realizing he almost told Louis what he had told Niall and Liam.

He turns his head to nod at Niall, who immediately begins to play his guitar, Liam playing the piano.

I wanna write you a song,
One as beautiful as you are sweet.

With just a hint of pain,
For the feeling that I get when you are gone.

I wanna write you a song.

I wanna lend you my coat,
One that's as soft as your cheek.

So when the world is cold,
You'll have a hiding place you can go.

I wanna lend you my coat.

Ooh, everything I need I get from you.
Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do.

I wanna build you a boat,
One as strong as you are free.

So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink,
You know it won't.

I wanna build you a boat.

Ooh, everything I need I get from you.
Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do.

Ooh, everything I need I get from you.
Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do.

I wanna write you a song,
One to make your heart remember me.

So any time I'm gone,
You can listen to my voice and sing along.

I wanna write you a song.

I wanna write you a song.

Niall ends off the song, as Harry stares at Louis.

Louis is sat there, frozen in shock. His old feelings are coming back and he can't let that happen.

He quickly stand up, running out of the room. Harry is quick to chase after him but when he gets outside, he doesn't see Louis or his car, anywhere in sight.

Louis is driving, wiping his tears from his eyes, trying to focus on driving.

All Louis can think about is Harry. How Harry made him feel the same way he did all those by years ago.

Harry is the last thought on Louis' mind, as he violently swerves to the right, and it all goes black.

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