Chapter 1

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Elise's Pov

Just a few months ago, Bart Allen, my best friend left to go stop the world from Blue Beetle going on mode, at first I thought it did change, but only the ruler did, Vandal Savage is now the ruler alongside Klarion the witch boy, or man I don't really know anymore. I help Nathan put the finishing touches on the time machine. "Now remember this is a one way trip, you need to stop  Vandal Savage and Klarion, and rebuild the time machine. Okay?" I nod my head, giving Nathan a hug. I go change, and I take off the inhibitor collar, I found a way to take it off.

"Don't worry I'm gonna comeback." I say, stepping into the time machine.

"See you later Elise Grayson." I give him a wave and start up the time machine. I feel the machine moving, making my stomach churn, but I think, this is it. I'm going to help save the world. Feeling the machine stop, the door opens, I get out and look at where I'm at. The watchtower.

"Elise?" I hear a voice asks, I recognize it as Bart's. I give him a hug.

"Get her!" I hear a voice say, I look up to see it's Nightwing, my dad. I quickly start running into a different room, I quickly start looking for somewhere to hide. I look up, the air vents, I start climbing on large objects, taking me higher to the ceiling. I grab a pipe and start opening the vent, I climb in and put the vent back in.

"Edih ym tnecs." I chant, knowing that Beast Boy could track me. Looking down I see Beast Boy and Robin, Beast Boy has a confused look on his face, where as Robin is looking in the room for me.

"I don't get it's like her scent just disappear."

"Yeah, well just keep looking for her."

I quickly start moving through the vents, making my way over to where my dad and Bart are. I start using the tip of my glove to unscrew the screws to vent, putting it aside, I jump down, silently. I check back to make sure that they were still talking, moving I start making it to the doorway, I feel a pain in the back of my head.

"This is so not crash." I mutter, closing my eyes.


Waking up I look at myself, I'm tied up onto a chair, I hope the know I can easily get out of the rope. The four boys make their way into the room. "So who are you?" Beast boy asks. I just smile not talking to them.

"That's Elise." Bart says, "She's from the future like me."

"Elise who?"

"Elise Grayson." Dick's eyes widen, while Tim's mouth is wide open.

"Now why are you here El?" Bart ask giving me a slight glare.

"Because I wanted to see my best friend."

"Really what's the reason?"

"When did you stop the reach?" I ask.

"A couple of months ago. Why?" Beast boy asks.

"Well, in the future, nothing really changes."

"What do you mean nothing changes, we took down the reach."

"It wasn't the reach this time, it was Vandal Savage along with Klarion." I say, "They made a deal with someone, they took over the world. And I'm here to help stop it."

"How do we now you're telling the truth?" Dad asks.

"Get Miss Martian to read my mind." He nods and goes to get Miss Martian.

"So El how'd you get the collar off?" Bart asks.

"It's really easy to pull them off."

"Well I'm here to read you're mind."Miss M says, she sits down in front of me and her eyes start glowing green. It's weird having someone going through your mind, but oh well. "She's telling the truth."

"Teg eht epor ffo em." I chant and the rope falls off the chair.

"So your a magician? So that means Dick and Zatanna get married." Tim says, realizing what he just said.

I go up to Bart and give him a hug. "It's so crash to see you again."

"You too, Elise." Returning my hug.


Hehe first fanfic!

Hope you like it!

~Tumblr girl

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