Chapter 9

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"I don't think we've all officially met." Aqualad says. I sit on the couch in the watch tower, we decided that we'll have a welcome home party for Wally. "I would like to give my gratitude to Elise, for bringing back Wally. And If you would like to join our team?" 

"Ah, it was no problem, I just thought that we should get Wally back, before we get into the actual plan. And yes I would love to join this team." I say, secretly excited.

"Wait actual plan?" Garfield asks.

"Well, from what I've gathered after you guys defeat the reach, Vandal Savage and Klarion, make a deal with someone, and they both end up taking over the world." I explain.

"How are we gonna stop them?" Tim asks.

"Oh yeah, that part. I honestly have no idea how." I confess awkwardly. 

"But don't worry we're the dynamic duo, no offence Robin, we always come up with a plan." Bart says, speeding towards me, putting his arm around me. 

"First off Bart, we never went by that, and second off all of our plans always backfired on us." I tell him. Everyone just looks at us like we're crazy. "What's wrong, why are you guys looking at us like that?"

"We have no idea what Bart said, yet you knew?" Jaime questions.

"Eh, you get used to it after a while." I say nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. Bart pulls me in closer, almost cuddling me.

"Bart, get your hands off my niece."Tim says.

"Buut Robin!!!" Bart whines, letting me go. Tim comes over and drags Bart off and away from where I am.

"Wait niece?" Cassie questions. "Ooh who are your parents, it's someone from the bat family for sure."

"Her parents are Dick Grayson and Zatanna Zatara. She's got good looks, beautiful blue eyes, the most amazing dark hair, amazing magician skills, and great detective skills." Bart answers fast. Zatanna and Dick share an awkward look, and both start blushing. Barbara gives Zatanna a glare, obviously jealous that her and Dick have a relationship.

"Can I be the god father? I want to be the god father. You chose me as the god father, right Dick?" Wally rambles on. 

"Haha, yeah you and Artemis are the god parents." I say, laughing slightly. "Though I do call you guys uncle and auntie."

"Don't worry kid, spend time with me and I'll teach you how to get all the boys." Wally says. 

"Hahaha! No she won't." Dick says, faking his laughter. Bart just glares at his older cousin once removed. 

"Looks like somebodies already protective of his daughter." Wally murmurs. 

"Stop giving her all the attention, this party is meant for Wally not her." Barbara snaps, everyone turns their attention to her. Everything goes into a awkward silence.

"What she's trying to say, is that let's have fun." I explain, and everything goes back to normal.

"Thanks again for saving me kid." Wally says.

"No problem, uncle Wally."


i finally updated! sorry for not updating for a couple of weeks, still tryna figure out a good schedule. Hope you like it!

Stay traught ~ tumblr girl

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