Chapter 2

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"Come on! I'm gonna show you around the watchtower, it's going to be so crash!" Bart says excitedly. He grabs my hand and starts speeding me everywhere.

"Whoa this place is so retro."

"And that's the kitchen, here's some of the rooms, oh and that's th-" He get's cut off, by running into a wall. Groaning, I get up and hold out a hand for Bart. "Sorry El."

"Don't worry it's fine, but where am I gonna stay while I'm here?" I ask.

"Well you could stay here, or you could stay with Nightwing."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I say, as he grabs my hand for me to hoist him up.

"And why don't you think it's a good idea?" I hear a voice behind us. Turning around I see Nightwing with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"Because I basically ruined the surprises of the future for you." I say.

"Well I think of it as a heads up. Come on you can stay at my apartment with me for the time being." I just nod my head and follow him.

"Bye Bart!" I yell as we go through the zeta tubes. We appear to be in Bludhaven, this place looks so retro, I mean actual skyscrapers. We get out of the phone booth and I start following Dick back to his apartment. He clime up the pipes to get to a window, and he hops in.

"You coming?" I hear him asks. He sticks his head out of the window.

"Yeah." I say, climbing the pipes like he did.

"You can have the spare room on the right." He says. "I've got a question for you."


"What's up with your hair? I mean neither me or Zatanna have have streaks in our hair." He states the truth.

"Oh I dyed it, looks great doesn't it?" I say, doing a hair flip. He just laughs and nods, opening the fridge to eat something.

"Do you have a suit and everything?" I just nod my head, and grab a banana off his table. "Do you have a name too? Or do we need to come up with one?"

"Well in my time I'm Robin, but we've already got one so I'll be Nightowl." I say, putting my head on my hand.

"Mmm, good name, but go to sleep." He pushing my head, going to his room to most likely sleep.

"Rude!" I yell after him, he just chuckles. I roll my eyes, and make my way over to the spare room to sleep.


"Wake up." I hear a voice say. "Come on you have to wake up."

"No, go away." I mumble.

"I'll sit on you."

"Go ahead." As soon I said that, I felt a heavy wait on my body. My eyes crack open and mumble out, "Okay I'm up." And Dick get's off of me.

"Come on we're going to go see Bruce." I hop out of bed and start getting ready.

"Oh so you're excited to see him?" Dick questions.

"No, I'm exited to see Alfred!" I exclaim excitedly. He just sends me weirded out look. "He's dead by the time I'm born." I say bluntly.

"Ahh wonderful."


here is a little update on my book! sorry I haven't been active on here! but i promise that i will update, i'll try updating every week. hopefully when school comes i'll be able to make a schedule for writing, because unlike my other book, this one is a tad bit harder to write.

And since she was robin in her time her costume has all the robin colors, she will be getting a new suit though.

stay traught! ~ tumblr girl

here's her costume for now

here's her costume for now

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