Chapter 6

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"I just have a few questions to ask."

"Go ahead."

"Where's Wally?"

With that question, I see tears start forming in Dick's eyes, guess I hit a soft spot. "Never mind you don't have to tell me."

"No, I think it'll be fare to tell you." Dick says. "Wally died saving the world, they were trying to contain the chrysalis and he was just to slow ."

"Thank you for telling me." I tell him. "So first thing first, we get Wally back."

"We can't get him back, Elise. He's dead."

"But I believe he's still here, well not here here, but just in another dimension or with the reach."

"Zatanna already tried those theories they didn't work."

"Only, because she isn't as experience as I am."

"Fine, but you will fail."

"No I won't." I say, in a singsong voice. "Gnirb em a wen tiftuo." I chanted. Soon I was wearing a new costume, and man I look hot. "Now lets get started." I say evilly.

"Really the ear rings?"

"Hey, the Flash is my favorite superhero."

"I feel offended."

"But your my favorite hero."


Wally's gonna come back! yay! 

Do you guys like the ear rings

here is her new outfit

here is her new outfit

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