Chapter 12

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"Remember, this is a convert mission, not a vacation, so be on the lookout," Dick says as I grab the last few things into my utility belt.

"Yadi yadda ya. Blah blah blah. Yep, I think I've got this, grandpa." I say, squeezing hand sanitizer onto my hands. 

"Stop with the sass, little girl." He warns jokingly. I give him a hug, as I grab my stuff.

"Well anyways, I've got to get this mission started, so I'll report back later today," I say. "Bye, dad," Kissing him on the cheek.

3rd person

Dick watched as his daughter left the room, right after calling him dad. A feeling of excitement came over his chest, one that he's never felt before. Barbara comes in and sits next to Dick, watching him with light eyes. "Hey Dick," 

"Oh hey Babs," He says still in a daze. Barbara snaps his fingers trying to get his attention, yet he still doesn't falter.

"Pay attention," She snaps wondering what's got him like this. "What happened?"

"She called me dad," Dick says excitedly to her.

"Cool, but so what?" Babs says, "I can give you more than just her,"

That's when he snaps. "Will you just stop with all of this nonsense? I've had enough of you! Being so rude to my daughter, giving snarky remarks to her. What's the matter! Why can't you just get along with her?"

"What's the matter? Dick, I have been in love with you since forever, but you don't seem to notice that do you? Maybe I want to be the one to have your children, maybe I want to be the one you'll be able to joke around with, maybe just maybe I want to be the one to give you my all!" Barbara shouts at him. "What i-"

Suddenly it's quiet. Barbara with wide eyes looks at Dick who's kissing her, soon she starts to melt into the kiss, everything becoming heated. They separate both taking deep breaths.

From afar a certain blue eyed and black haired magician watches. Light tears falling from her eyes, as she just watched the love of her life just kiss another person. After finding out they had a child together, this is what happens. Exhaling out, she leaves them both to be alone together, her heels can be lightly heard in the hallway, the two bats to engross to acknowledge it.



Hope you enjoy!

stay traught ~ tumblr girl

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