Chapter 15

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"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've got to go see, Bart," I say stretching from my spot on the floor. "I promised him I'd come by today."

"Looks like someone's got a crush," Artemis teases.

"He's my best friend, we're always going to be there for each other," I say trying to brush down my crazy hair. 

"Come on, you guys have least kissed once right?" Zatanna says, well she ain't wrong.

"Yeah, we did, it was yesterday," I say. "Though I don't think that it meant anything,"

"Did you want it to mean anything?" Wally asks, coming into the room.

Widening my eyes, I start blushing, "Gotta blast, ekat em yawa," Now I'm in the manor, going upstairs I knock on Richard's door. He opens it and sees me.

"Baby come back I want to cuddle," A whiney voice emits from his bed, the body moves up and I see that it's Barbara. "Oh, you," she says coldly.

"Yes, I know, the queen is here!" I cheer, "Here's the recording device," I have over to Richard. I start walking towards the Grandfather clock.

3rd pov

"Barbara, I think it's time for you to go," Dick says, pulling a shirt and fixing his hair.

"But don't you want to again?" She asks, attempting to sound innocent and cute, but to Dick, it sounded like she was a prostitute. 

"No, plus we've got to meet up with the team," he says, pulling pants on. "I've got to go, but I'll see you later, okay baby?"


In Dick's mind, it wasn't love that was going between them but merely lust. But to Barbara, she could feel everything you'd feel with your soulmate. Kind of.

Elise pov

"Okay, so I have listened to the recording device, and they now have the power to take away your powers," He announces. "So, while on missions be on the look out, you'll never know if you're next. Especially Elise and Zatanna, because we'll be needing your powers." At the mention of Zatanna's name Barbara glares at her.

"Shouldn't you tell me to be careful too?" Barbara asks, trying to widen here eyes.

"Actually, it only works on people with powers, for example, a bit more strength than what you'd normally have. With humans, the most it'll do is make you lose brain cells." I correct her, "If you haven't already lost any already or even have any." I mutter. Bart next to me heard that last comment and giggled a little. 

"Elise, please be nice," Richard asks.

"Friendship goes both ways, kid," I say walking away into a different room.

"Oh, you're just mad you can't have him," Barbara sneers.

"First off, ew he's my dad, and second off he's better off with Zatanna, but you do you chica," I say. 

"Well, I'm sorry sweetheart, guess not everyone gets their way." She smirks.

"Ya know, you and this girl named Regina would be really good friends. You both are pretty, popular, and will get run over a bus." I say, flopping onto the couch. 

"Well, at least I'm pretty, unlike something you don't have." Barbara insults me.

"You do realize that Dick's my dad, and I got most of my features from him," I say, getting up, and moving to leave.

~Next day~

"Dick, look at what your monster did to me!" I hear Barabara whine, as everyone else and I move to see what happened.

"I don't believe that," He answers.

"She slapped me, see here's the proof," She points to the right side of her face.

"Yeah, no, that wasn't her. First, off she's left handed, and second off your just really bad at makeup," answers Bart. "And if she wanted to harm you, she would have used her butter sock."

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