Chapter 8

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"Okay for this spell we need something of Wally's." I say, watching Dick immediately leave the room for something. He comes back with one of his famous souvenirs, the robots eyeball. "EEEEKKK!" I squeal. "Is that the eyeball, from your one of the first missions?" I say, taking the eyeball into my hand.

"Yep." He says.

"Okay so we both need to sit down Indian style." I say, sitting down. "Then place the eye ball in the middle of us." I say placing the eyeball in between us. "You remember the spell, right Zatanna?" She nods her head. "Let's start."

"I danmmoc ouy eht sdog evoba ot wohs em Yllaw stew." We say together. "Nepo sih noisnemid, rof mih ot emoc emoh." We finish. The floor opens up, and we can see a whole other dimension, a weird one at that too, I mean are those aliens?

"We're going in." I say grabbing Dick's grappling hook, and hooking it onto the table. "For safety measures." I explain. I tie some rope, around my waist on to Dick, so just in case, we could get out faster. We both jump in, landing roughly onto the ground, dust surrounding us. 

"wohs em Yllaw tsew." I say. We then appear in a new area, I see Wally, sitting in a containment like prison. "Are you Wally West?" I ask, he looks up at me. "Yep, you are definitely Uncle Wally." I say.

"Dick? And a girl version of Dick with highlights?" Wally questions.

"We're here to save you Wally." Dick explains. I use a lazer from my glove to open up the cage. The bars fall down and Wally comes out. Dick pulls Wally into a hug, as I watch awkwardly. Here footsteps, I look over to the door, someones coming. "Not trying to break this love fest or anything, but someones coming." I quickly tie Wally onto my rope, and Dick reclines the grappling hook, taking us back to our dimension. We all jump back in and dimension closes.

"Wally?" I hear Zatanna.

"Hey Zee." He says, pulling her into a hug.

"Dick call the team." I say, smiling. "Wally's home."

"Nightwing to team, report to the Wayne Manor." He says, since basically the whole team knows Dick's identity.

Soon I hear the doorbell, and Alfred goes to answer. "Master Dick I believe you friends are here. Please come in." The team all come into the room where we are, and then everything is silent. They all just stare at Wally, till Bart runs up to hug him. Everyone starts to snap out of it, and have a big group hug. I watch as Artemis is sobbing onto Wally, awe this is so cute, I should take a picture. 

"Aremac raeppa." A camera appears in my hand and I start taking pictures, I'm so making a photo album with pictures of all of us together. I guess someone finally noticed me taking pictures, because they all turn towards me. "Uh hi?" I say awkwardly.

"Wait who's this?" Wally asks.

"This is my best friend Elise Grayson." Bart says walking towards me, giving me a hug.

"Grayson? As in Dick Grayson?"

"Yep, I'm from the future." I say.

"Who's kid?"


"Ooh so you and Zatanna." He teases Dick.

"She's also the one who saved you." Dick tells him. "With out her you would still be stuck in that other dimension."

"Thank you." Artemis says, pulling into a hug. "For bringing Wally back home."

"You're welcome, I would do anything for this team, even if it means dying." I say.


WOO WALLY'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stay whelmed ~ tumblr girl

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