Chapter 13

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"Well guess I'm on my own now," I say. "Oh hey, Mom," I say walking by her as she goes into the direction where I just came from. Wait. I just called her mom and I called Dick dad. Oh my god. Guess I'm just going to have to deal with it later.

"Wohs em erehw yeht era," I whisper into my tracker. It pinpoints a spot, guess that's where I'm going for now. I'm out and in the Gotham air, which smells really bad, but oh well not everything can be perfect. Following the tracker, I feel a gust of wind past by me. This would be normal except that it's not very windy outside. "Bart," I mutter. "Ekat em ot Trab."

Now, I'm next to Bart, who's standing by a tree. In Gotham. "This is supposed to be my mission, Bart. A solo mission." I hissed at him.

"Yeah, but I didn't want you out here alone," He says, "Plus Nightwing did say I was allowed to watch over you."

"Fine, but let me do everything since you are here to watch me," I say pulling the tracking device out. Because of where I transported it wasn't a far walk. It was actually a block away from us. Guess this was easier than I thought. Jogging, I start making my way towards an alleyway, where I see two figures walking. Perfect.

"That's them, let's get closer," said Bart. We both walk closer to them, and I click the recording device, the light blinking red letting me know I was recording. We followed them for a good five minutes until they both started getting suspicious. Of course, there are a few other people in this alleyway, but I guess they caught on to us.

"Someones following us," said Klarion. "And I don't like it."

"Oh, crap," Bart says I turn off the recording device. That's when we both panic, and I come up with an idea. Not sure it was the best, but it'll have to do. I push Bart up onto the wall and get on my tip toes to kiss him. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach, that I haven't felt since Bart left. His body stiffens up, as I move my lips against his, soon I feel his moving against mine. Putting my arms around his neck, he puts his on my hips, pulling me closer.

"It's nothing." I hear Vandal savage say. Hearing footsteps, I assume they left, and I pull away breathlessly, eyes still closed. Opening my eyes, I look at Bart who's beet red.

"Sorry," I say, getting off of Bart. He doesn't say anything, I mean that was our first kiss together. "But hey, now I figured out you're a great kisser." I joke and give him a wink.

~Bart's pov~

"Oh, crap." I panic, as they caught on to us. Suddenly Elise pushes me against the wall and puts her lips on mine. At first, I stiffened up out of surprise, but then this usual feeling starts sinking into my stomach whenever I'm around Elise. I start moving my lips on hers, it felt magical, considering I don't believe in magic. As she puts her arm around my neck, I put mine around her waist pulling her closer, moving my head down to make her fell more comfortable.

"It's nothing." Vandal savage says. With that Elise takes her lips off of mine. I feel my face getting hot.

"Sorry," Elise says. Well, I'm not sorry. "But hey, now I figured out you're a great kisser." And there goes my face again. After that, I don't listen to the rest of the conversation, well only for Elise to start dragging me out of the alley way.


So was this really rushed or...

hope you liked it!

stay traught ~ tumblr girl

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