Chapter 17

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Bart and I sit on the cold sand, looking at the unpleasant, dirty lake of Gotham. I mean this place doesn't have the most beautiful places to be at, but I mean it's one of the only peaceful places Gotham has. "You know, by me coming here I hope I don't ruin the future."

"What do you mean?" Bart asks, looking at me.

"Well, before I came Barbara and Dick wouldn't have dated. She wouldn't have confessed because I wasn't there to push her to do it. Now that I am they are dating, which can alter the future." I say pulling my knees in tightly.

"Oh come on, we all know Barbara is going to be another fling," Bart says. "We all know how Dick is with girls."

"Yeah, but what if this time it's different?" Thinking like this made me feel as if I was on fire. Like there was nothing to cool me down as it keeps spreading. How when you put water to put out an oil fire but only make it worse. "It's possible, I mean what if they do get married? I'll cease to exist." I say, digging my into my knees. All I wanted to do was save the world, but what if I disappear before I get to.

"Then I'll just have to find a way to bring you back." He says, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. 

"Yeah, but what if you forget about me too?"

"Then I'll just have to remember," Bart says, are faces close together. I could feel my heart pounding, a happiness I only feel with Bart. I don't know what we were exactly doing, either he was leaning in or I was. Maybe we doing it together. "You know I can't survive this world without you." He whispers.


We both pull apart, as I grab my phone to answer. "Hello?"

"Elise, we need you and Bart at the watch tower," Dick says, that cockblock.

"Yeah, be right there," I say, ending the call. "Come on Bart, we're needed."


I updated!

So I watched Voltron Legendary Defender, and it is an amazing show. Pidge and Keith are my favorites!

Also, I watched a few episodes of Yuri!!! On Ice and that was amazing too, I just need to finish it now!

Stay traught ~ tumblr girl

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