chapter 28

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They were ready. There only thing they were waiting for now was for them to come.

"Hey, Elise?" Bart started, looking at her. He admired the way she looked with the determination in her eyes.

"Hmm?" Was all she said as she tried to stay focus, giving Bart a certain look before look back. Everyone was in different spots, with Zatana ready to cast a concealing spell.

"When this whole thing is over, do you think that maybe-"

Bart couldn't get his sentence finished before he was interrupted by the laughter of Klarion.

They heard the silent whispers from Zatana, and they new it was set. They were now stuck in the maze of mirrors and until Zatana says so, no one can get out or in. And of course she limited the usage of power in it, being sure that no one would be able to over power them.

Bart and Wally ran through the maze, constantly making it harder to catch them. "We're  here for your offer Elise, and I don't think you'd want your precious fast boy to get hurt right?"

Elise walked calmly through. She was prepared and ready, as long as they stuck to the plan it would be a success. "Okay, Klarion,  you got me."

"Now my dear, I believe the offer was that I got both you and Zatanna."

"Oh don't worry, she'll probably be here in a few short minutes," Elise replies smoothly, lies rolling off of her tongue. "But I do believe you owe me something."

"Ah yes, but that shouldn't come until after we leave."

He held Bart with his magic, he was frozen in a stance that seemed to show he was caught running by.

"Now, Klarion, I suggest you give my daughter back her powers."

"Oh please, you act as if I'm not the most powerful being in this room. Either you both come with me or the boy gets it." If you're wondering about Vandal savage,  he was off look for Wally seeing as the once nearly dead boy needed to be caught.

It all happened so suddenly Klarion shot with the weapon that took away powers, it was coming for Bart. An arrow is shot, distracting Klarion, who then let's Bart go. The beam from the weapon is bounced off from the mirror and is shot towards Klarion, who still seemed too distracted. 

But it stops.

"I suggest that you give back the powers to Elise, or I could easily let go and you'll be powerless."

He was cornered, if he dared did anything he would be hit, and be useless. He took a breath, whispering words and looking at Elise, who began to feel it herself. 

And she was back. 

"Oh thank the gods!" She says excitedly. "Now, time to put you away-"

"who said it was that easy?" Klarion says before disappearing.

Wally finds them, and immediately goes on about how Vandal Savage disappeared out of thin air.

"Look at least she has her powers back, we can get them another time."

"Oh there won't be another time." A new voice says, the turn to find Dick and Barbara, along with the other young justice team.

"Look we just got one of our powerfullest member back." Bartend defends.

"I see that, but this was an unauthorized arrangement. Do any of you know how dangerous this was?"

"Well, without it we wouldn't have gotten anything done. Dick, the sole reason we are where we are is because we went on an unauthorized mission."

The conversation ended there and everyone was taken back to HQ.

"So what was it you wanted to ask me Bart?

"Oh, that maybe you wanna go out on like a date with me?"


wowzers it's been awhile. Sorry I've been held up with school and stress and wowowowow.  I know this book should have been finished awhile ago, but ya know someontimes I just kinda forget I have this account.

But anyways how are you lovelies?

Stay traught - tumblr girl

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