Chapter 18

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"We're going to stop Vandal Savage and Klarion the Witch Boy," Dick explains.

"Don't you think it's too early to go after them?" I ask. They're both very strong a powerful villains, and with a weapon that can take away powers we might not make it out. I mean right now we can't take the risk of losing anyone's powers.

"It'll be fine, Elise, this was Barbara's and I's decision," He states, acting as if the team doesn't have a say in any of this.

"Dick we really can't risk it, we barely know anything about their plans," Tim says, trying to help me out.

"We are going, and that's final. Everyone meet in Gotham," Dick commands, walking to one of the zeta tubes. 

"This is so going to backfire on us," I mutter, walking into the tube.


I hope Dick knows that this battle won't be like the other one they did. Where they were able to ambush them so easily. They've gotten smarter from the last time they battled the team, and I hope Dick knows this.

"Everyone in position?" He asks through the comm. Everyone answers yes, and now we wait for them to come in. 


short I know, but I want the next part to be the exciting part.

I want to thank you guys for getting this to 200+ votes, because honestly I never thought people would read this. So thank you!

stay traught ~ Tumblr girl

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